I Want My Memories- Shit, Take Them Back

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This chapter has a trigger in it, but at the start of it I put a trigger warning and at end I said it's over with.

Izuku's head is spinning. He doesn't remember the past decade of his life. Kachan and the people who are supposed to be his best friends try explaining the situation to him. They don't go into full detail because not even Izuku thinks he can handle it, but they give him a detailed summary. At first they're hesitant, but between his scars and quirks -yeah, he has those now- they tell him he was kidnapped by villains, given some quirks, became a vigilante, moved in with the pro hero Eraserhead and his husband, Present Mic! Is training to become a hero, and lost all memories of the only thing he remembers now. Plus, the ghosts in his head -yeah, he has those too- tell him that his relationship with Kachan is complicated. Memories or not, Kachan is Izuku's best friend. How is that complicated?

It's too much. All of it is too much. He can feel all the emotions around him. The depression and hurt all around him, he feels completely. It's so much. Too much. He breaks in to sobs and everyone is quick to comfort him.

"I don't even know why I'm feeling so overwhelmed. I feel so many strong emotions right now and I don't know how many of them belong to me." Izuku sobs. The feelings vanish and Izuku can think properly, but at the same time it feels like part of him got shut down. Almost like there's a part of him that can't be used or reached. Still, it's much better than the alternative.

Izuku looks up to see Aizawa with his quirk activated. With his quirk erased, Izuku can't feel anyone's emotions. It feels nice.

"Thank you." Izuku smiles politely at Aizawa, who only nods.

"I'll be back." Shinsou or Hitoshi, Izuku isn't sure what to call him, leaves the room.

"What did I call him? I mean, did I use his first name or last name? Probably first if we were close enough to live with each other. Unless it was just out of convenience, but I don't think that's the case. Is it?" Izuku rambles. Everyone looks at him with mild shocked. It's almost like they've never heard him ramble before, but he rambles all the time. That's part of the reason he was made fun of for.

"People made fun of you for your rambling?" Somehow  the room became both hot and cold.

"I didn't mean to say that out loud." Izuku mumbles with a blush.

"But it's adorable! I've never heard you ramble like that." Izuku blushes at Todoroki's words. The blush only amplifies when his quirk comes back. He can feel nothing but love for Izuku from Todoroki. Does he actually like Izuku? Romantically?

"He's just like when we were five." Kachan snorts.

"I'm beginning to think you have a better chance with him now that he doesn't remember us." Touya, he didn't give a last name aside from saying that in a few months it'll be Takami, teases Todoroki who elbows him in the gut.

"You called Hitoshi 'Hito', but you don't have to call people what you did before. Whatever feels most comfortable to you." Aizawa explains.

"Maybe if I call everyone by what I usually did, it'll bring back some memories... I don't remember what I called everyone."

Aizawa, or Eraser, explains what Izuku calls people. It's strange knowing people, but not remembering them. Also hearing that he barely knows Kachan. He doesn't even call Kachan 'Kachan' anymore.

The door opens and Shin- Hito walks in holding a device that looks like bunny ears. He hands it to Izuku.

"Put this on. It's made to enhance your quirk so it might make it worse, but I remember you saying how clear your mind felt. I think it'll help you not feel so... whelmed." Hito hesitates with that last word.

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