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'Would it be so bad to just give up?' Izuku briefly wonders as he sinks deeper into the sludge. After all the terrible things he's done, why should he get to live? Maybe this is a sign. Maybe this is the universe telling Izuku to just die. The universe saying "Yeah, it's time for you to go now. You've killed a lot of people and things have been looking pretty good for you, and that's not fair to your victims. Sorry, but maybe you should have been a better person. Then maybe we wouldn't just drown you in filthy sludge by a villain that just came out of the sewers, so bye bye."

An image passes through Izuku. The two people he's come to think of as brothers (or he thinks so, at least. This whole loving people like family even though you're not related is kinda new to him) and his newest friend. He almost decided to fight back because of it. Almost. Then he remembers that they don't need him anymore. Touya just moved in with his boyfriend, Hawks, and Hitoshi moved in with Eraser with Izuku. Plus, Shoto and Hitoshi get along almost as well as he and Izuku do. They'll be fine without him. Maybe a little sad, but why would they be sad over his death? He deserves to die, and they all know it. Plus, Eraser's life would become a lot easier. He wouldn't have to deal with Izuku's issues. He wouldn't have to be forced to live with Izuku and enroll him in UA. Yeah, the world will be just fine without him. Probably better. Izuku closes his eyes and gives up.

"I AM HERE!" Why? Why is that the last voice he's going to hear? It's not that he has anything personal against Yagi, it's just that he's had to talk about him and best ways to kill him. He doesn't dislike the guy, he just never wanted to speak with him.

Izuku listens as the villain rambles on about how Yagi is too late. That he already has a host for him. Wait. What? What host? Is he going to wear Izuku. No way in hell.

Ever since Yagi showed up, the villain has felt fear. Not enough to give up, so Izuku will change that. Izuku upped his fear level, not as high as he usually does, but enough for the villain to release him. Once he made it a few steps away, he released his hold on the villain and Yagi pounced.

"Air feels nice." Izuku took in a deep breath and sighs. He watches as Yagi battles the slime. Izuku wonders if he should just leave. Yagi probably has this handled and Izuku doesn't wanna stick around for multiple reasons. He might get in trouble for using his quirk even if it was for self-defense reasons, but they get real touchy about this since he was a vigilante. Well, he's still sorta a vigilante. It's complicated.

Yagi can obliterate the villain all he wants, but it'll just reform. He needs something to contain him. Ah, a bottle.

"Yo, Yagi, catch!" Izuku tosses the bottle to Yagi who catches it out of reflex, but is too stunned by Izuku knowing his name to act. "Hey, he's getting away!"

That snaps Yagi out of his thoughts. One punch and a breath later, the villain is caught.

"Thank you, Young Man. That was very clever, thinking to use that bottle." Izuku can feel how uneasy Yagi feels. There's even a sense of urgency to get away. He must be running out of time. "How is it that you know my name? That's... not public knowledge." Oh, Izuku called him by his name, didn't he?

"If you wanna know the answer to that, you should probably deflate before you completely run out of time. Yeah, I know about that, too." Izuku looks around. They have some sort of privacy, but anyone could walk in on them. "We should go somewhere private for this particular subject."


"I can't believe you're alive. When Katsuki told us you were in his class, I thought he was seeing things. I'm so grateful you agreed to visit us. This must be weird for you since you don't remember us, but it means the world to us." Mitsuki squeezes Izuku's hand from the other side of the table. Izuku looks at their hands and there's not even a hint of recognition. She lets go with a sad smile.

Killing Is Bad. Killing Is Bad. Killing Is- Maybe Just This Once?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant