Izuku Is About To Lose His Mind

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"Izu, where are you going?" Hitoshi and Shoto are following Izuku around the UA halls.

"Support course." Izuku answers simply.

"Why there?" Shoto asks.

"Yeah, why there?" Hitoshi has a hint of nervousness. Izuku sends him a weird glance.

"I want something for the sports festival."

"Are we even allowed to bring support items?" Shoto asks.

"You have to fill out a form and see if it gets approved."

"So what are you getting because last I checked, you don't actually need anything for your quirk." Hitoshi says.

"Alright, why do you want me to stay away from the support course so badly?" Izuku turns to Hitoshi. He gives that Izuku look that you just can't hide anything from. At least, Shoto can't.

"It's not the course I want you away from." Hitoshi bites his lip nervously. Izuku raises a brow. Hitoshi sighs. "Izu, you're like a brother to me, but you are very chaotic. There is this other girl in the support course who is just as, if not more, chaotic as you. I've been keeping you two away from each other for a long time."

"Sounds interesting. What's her name?" Izuku asks.

"Hatsume Mei." Hitoshi says and looks completely terrified when Izuku smiles.

"What a coincidence. That's exactly who I'm looking for." Hitoshi pales.

"Why do you need her?" Hitoshi whines.

"The support item I need is something I need done fast and where I can have eyes on it. I admit that I don't know a lot about support items, but I know enough to know if someone's fucking it up." Izuku says.

"And..." Hitoshi prompts. Izuku would not trust someone that easily.

"I found every little detail about her life and the type of person she is." Izuku sighs. "She seems like a good person. She kinda has a mad scientist vibe, but in a good way."

"That's Mei for ya." Hitoshi says.

Shoto finds out exactly what Izuku means when they meet her. She's very... lively.

"So what brings you here today?" Hatsu- Mei, as she demands to be called, is leaning on Hitoshi's shoulder looking like something blew up right in her face. As she talks, Shoto gets the idea that something actually did blow up in her face. She really does have that mad scientist vibe to her.

"You like challenges, don't you?" Izuku's eyes shine with half hidden joy and excitement as he waves some papers. Shoto didn't think it was possible, but Mei's smile grows wider, making her look even crazier.

Mei takes the papers, probably detailed instructions because Izuku is nothing if not thorough.

"The first one I'd appreciate if it were done before the sports festival. Of course, I'll show it off. Do things on a much more dramatic scale and do my best to show off every last one of its features and the entire time make it clear who the inventor is.

"The second one, I'll pay you for. I will buy you whatever you need and then some. Name your price and I'll pay it. I understand you will be busy with the sports festival, so I won't expect you to work on it during that time. That being said, the sooner it gets done, the better, so long as the work isn't sloppy. Do you accept?"

Mei looks at the papers. She studies it for a bit. You can practically hear the wheels turning. Mainly on that second piece of paper.

"Izu, do you even have the money for it? It's really expensive." Hitoshi mumbles.

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