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"That was some exercise." Hitoshi sat himself next to Izu. Hitoshi hates heights, but Izu needs him, so he's on top of the UA roof, feet dangling over the side, and nervously figuring out what to say. Seriously, what was All Might thinking?

"Yeah, some exercise." Izu mumbles as Shoto sits on the other side of Izu.

"You sucked at it." Shoto says with the straightest face. It gets a snort from Izu. "I'm serious. You didn't make a convincing villain at all. You're too tiny. You might get a little violent at times, but you're small so it's adorable."

"That's not how it works." Izu sighs.

"Either way, you're not a villain. You don't have a single villainous bone in your body." Hitoshi states.

"I've killed people, Hito. Villains kill people. I was an actual villain." Izu reminds.

"No, you were a kid who was brainwashed by villains. It's all you knew, and if you didn't, they'd kill you. That doesn't make you a villain. You're like the nicest person on Earth." Hitoshi rolls his eyes.

"There are a lot of people who would disagree with that." Izu says.

"And they're dumb. Your a nice guy that doesn't want to be known as nice."

"You're like a hateful nice." Shoto adds.

"I almost lost it out there." Izu confesses as he lays on his back and covers his face with his arm.

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad." Hitoshi assures.

"I almost killed him. I don't know what happened. He told us to act like villains and... I don't know... it was like a switch flipped. I almost took it too far. Nice people don't do that." Izu has his face covered, but Hitoshi can tell how torn up Izu feels about it.

"You were taught to think like a villain, so if you're told to act like a villain by an authoritative figure, you're going to do it to the best of your abilities." Shoto reminds.

"I still almost killed a fellow classmate. I almost lost control and killed an innocent person after going one year and five months of not killing." Izu bites his lip to keep from crying.

"You stopped, and that's all that matters. All Might never should have told us to act like villains. He knows how you grew up. The mistake is his, not yours, and you know Aizawa-sensei would agree with me." Hitoshi states firmly.

"Still, I think I scared Iida." Izu mumbles.

"If it really bothers you, you can apologize. I, personally, don't think you owe anyone an apology, but it might make you feel better." Shoto suggests.

"Yeah, I think I will." Izu says.

"I can't believe the Media is still here. They're relentless." Hitoshi comments.

"They'll probably stay all day." Of course Shoto would know all about the media.

Izu sits up, looking panicked. He's trembling as he looks out to the journalists.

"Izuku? It's just the media. They may be annoying, but they're not dangerous." Shoto looks at Izu with concern.

"Stay here and be prepared to jump if necessary." Izu shoots through the door.

There's a delay before Shoto and Hitoshi move. Izu's actions were just so sudden. Shoto moves to the door, but Izu had trapped them on the roof. Of course he did. Hitoshi looked towards the crowd. There must have been someone or something there to make him so scared, and Izu doesn't get scared. Maybe he does, but he never shows it like that.

"Shoto, what was the quirk of the person Izu lived with? The person he was supposed to protect." Hitoshi breathes as he watches the UA gate turn to dust.

Killing Is Bad. Killing Is Bad. Killing Is- Maybe Just This Once?Where stories live. Discover now