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Thank you everyone for your wishes and sorry because I am unable to reply everyone..Keep me in your prayers guys because still now my condition is same as before

Silent readers do vote...I haven't rechecked it so pardon my mistakes


After a year,

Riddhima's exam was going on (College life full of exams 🥲)

But this time she was much more nervous because it was her final exam and she couldn't take any risk..She was studying day and night without thinking about anything..All day she used to study without having her meals..and as Dadi was also sick that time so she couldn't took care of her..But Vansh was the pillar for them..Vansh used to handle everything from home to give enough time to take care of his granny and his wife..Only for some important meetings he used to go office..

Vansh handled everything very maturely that time..He used to solve the questions in which Riddhima was having problems , he used to feed her by himself because he knew otherwise she will not have her meals in time..Not only that but also he took care of Dadi as well.. Everyday he used to feed her by his hand ... though there was a lot of sarvents but no one can take care of you like your family do..

But one thing he missed to do in this days and that is taking care of himself...He was avoiding his meals because he was always busy im taking care of Riddhima,Dadi and his business.. Though Dadi and Riddhima always asked about his meals that if he had eaten or not but he always smiled and said yes..

When Riddhima's exam ended that time she felt relaxed and that day after coming home she saw Vansh and noticed how weak he became...And how he was giving time to take care of everything and everyone but didn't care about him..She felt like crying..

Riddhima's pov:

How much selfish I am that I couldn't see how weak he has become..For myself I neglected him..I never noticed him..I am a bad wife ..A very bad wife..

Pov ends..

Riddhima went towards him and hugged him tightly...She was crying ..Vansh got worried

V(softly) : What happened Riddhi?

R(crying) : I am so sorry Vansh ...I am a bad wife..Very very bad wife

Vansh broke the hug and asked her What she did that she is talking like this

R(while wiping her tears) : while taking care of us you made yourself so weak and me being a selfish didn't even notice you..(again crying) just look at I couldn't notice it before

Vansh smiled seeing her love and care towards him and hugged her

V(while hugging) : I love you so much Jaan..I am so lucky to have a wife like

R: No ..You are so unlucky...The luckiest one is me who got a man who loves her selflessly, unconditionally...And you got a girl who is a selfish, who only thinks about herself (pouting)

Vansh part away from her and looked at her eyes

V: Just shut your mouth Riddhima...O have got the best wife.. It's okay..Now your exams are over so you may take care of me (smirking)

R: Don't worry..Now I will take care of you and Dadi..Now you have to just take rest..

Vansh wrapped his arms around her and said

V: Let's go Sweetheart..I missed you a lot

Riddhima understood what he meant by that so she nodded and went inside their room

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