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I haven't rechecked it so pardon my mistakes


Riddhima was looking at Vansh with a shocking face...

V: What happened to you Riddhu?.. Aren't you happy?

R: Is today my birthday? (Confused)

V: Yes... Didn't you know?

R: No

Vansh was shocked that she doesn't even know when her birthday is! ..

R: How do you know?

V: I have seen it in our marriage paper (I don't know is there really anything like this has or not 😑)

You never celebrated your birthday?

R(sadly): No , Actually in our village no one knows about celebrating birthday and whenever I used to ask Dadi she used to tell me that it was a worst day for them so she doesn't want to talk about that day

It angered Vansh...

V: How dare she to talk like this!.. Listen Riddhu you are so special to me and the day when my special person was born is also a special day for me...No need to remember them...Just forget them and enjoy your life

This made Riddhima smile

V: We will cut the cake

Riddhima hugged Vansh in happiness...Vansh smiled

R(hugging him) : Thank you so much Vansh..I love you so much

V(smiling) : No need to thank me dear...

They broke the hug ...And cut the cake...Both fed each other


Same night, At the garden,

Vansh and Riddhima were sitting on a bench of the garden..

V: Riddhu you are 17 now.. Congratulations

R(smiling) : Thank you

V: Now tell which gift you want from me?

R: Nothing

V: Aray tell me...If you want to give a treat to your friends then call them

R: No no nothing

V: Riddhima listen, though I know that you have become 17 and now you are a mature girl(sarcastically) but no need to show me your maturity.... Because we are friends and we should tell each and everything to our friends

Riddhima knew that Vansh understood her inner turmoil...But what can she does?her mind told her to behave maturely so that Vansh consider her as his wife

Vansh held her hands softly

V: Riddhima I know you have rights on me and I should give you the rights.. That's why I have decided that from today we will sleep together..

Riddhima became happy but after listening "we will sleep together" she became sad again

R: What do you mean by that? we everyday sleep together

V: I mean that...

Riddhima was waiting for his answer

V: That hugging each other

Vansh said it in one go but Riddhima heard it and became so happy...But only Vansh knew how uncomfortable it was for him but for Riddhima's happiness he had to do it

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