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I didn't recheck it so pardon my mistakes and silent readers do vote


Today is the first day of school for Riddhima... Vansh woke up so early today and went to kitchen for making her breakfast...

Vansh's Pov:

Today is the first day of  school for Riddhima and I know she will be so nervous about it... But I have to make her feel comfortable... And for a good day we should have something good in our breakfast..

So here I am making some healthy foods for Riddhima bcz from today she has to study well and as I have admitted her in a coaching center also so she needs more energy... I want her to become a self depending girl... Taki Chahe main rahu ya na rahu wo khudko handle kar paye...and every girl should be self dependent...

Pov ends...

After making the breakfast, Vansh went to his room and called Riddhima

Riddhima woke up in a call only and when she saw that Vansh made breakfast for her she was shocked

R: Oh no... What a great sin I have done

V: What happened Riddhima? And what sin you are talking about?

R: Ji I mean how can u make breakfast for me... It's my duty na

Vansh closed his eyes in irritation

V: Riddhima plz now don't start again yrrr... There is nothing like that.. If u can make breakfast for me bcz I am your husband then why can't I? Even you are my wife and I have full rights to do anything for my wife

R(innocently) : sacchi?

V(smiling): sacchi

V: Now go and get ready... I have arranged everything in bathroom.. Just go and take shower

R: hmm

Riddhima went to bathroom

While taking shower, Riddhima was thinking :

How can I be so lucky? I never thought in my life that someone will come in my life as him... He is a saviour for me... Though I know that he is too older than me but he is so different from my imagination... Bcz I thought maybe he will be also like my father, who will drink every night and will torture me like dadi...

Thank you God for sending him in my life.. And plz be with me... From today I am gonna start my new life... Vansh jii has admitted me in a famous school of Mumbai and I want to fulfill his dreams by become a successful women... I will try my best...

Never in my life I thought about being an independent woman but now as he is my husband and I have to keep his every demand so for him I will study hard and make him proud of myself

Vansh was arranging her books in bag and thinking :

I know that I can't change her thinking in a day only... But with time I will change it... Still now I didn't say her anything about her calling me "jii" but I will surely change it... I know she is so younger from me but as now we are husband and wife then we should be good friends also..

And as I friend she should call me by my name or she can give me any nick name as I gave her..

Life is so unpredictable na (chuckled)..The Vansh who never wanted to get married is now a married man and his wife is so younger than him... I know that so many people will bad mouth about us but I will surely make her an independent woman ..



After sometime,

Riddhima came out from bathroom and Vansh gave her school uniform... Riddhima was reluctant to wear this uniform but bcz of Vansh's satisfaction she wears this..

Vansh and Riddhima did breakfast together then Vansh also got ready

Vansh held Riddhu's hand,

V: Riddhu look I know that you are nervous but don't worry... I am always there for you

R(looking Down) : hmm

V(cupping her face) : Riddhima look at me

Riddhima looked at him

V(softly): Smile

Riddhima nervously smiled at him

Then holding her hand Vansh left with her when Dadi called him from back

D: Vansh I am telling you that you will repent badly...

But Vansh didn't care about anything and just moved with Riddhima


At Riddhima's school,

Vansh made her sit on her bench and was about to go when Riddhima held his hand

R(nervously): Plz don't go

V(cupping her face) : Riddhima don't worry... Plz don't be nervous... I am not leaving you dear... I will stay here till your class end.. And I think now you should make new friends

R: I don't want anyone (teary)

V: Riddhima don't cry na dear (kissing her forehead)

V: Listen always keep a smile in your face and think that you can face any situation... No need to get afraid ok?

Riddhima just nodded.. Then Vansh left the room


After sometime,

Teacher came in the room and introduced Riddhima with everyone... Though Riddhima was nervous but everyone behaved with her nicely which made her feel comfortable

Riddhima made 3new friends also... They were so good with Riddhima... They were Liza, Rosy and Nupur.. All were from high class family but without any arrogance

The day was quite good for Riddhima and after that Vansh took Riddhima with him for home

In Car,

V: So how was your first day?

R: It was quite good

V: And what about friends?

R: I have made 3friends... And they are so good with me

Vansh smiles : I told u na... And I know that you are a good girl so everybody will willing to be your friend

R: Thank you

V: for what?

R: for being there for me... I know that u have so many important works but also you gave me your precious time

Vansh just smiled

After going to home both rested for sometime and again went with Riddhima to drop her at coaching... As her friends were also there so she felt comfortable with them

Everything was so good... And as they knew who is Vansh Rai Singhania so they didn't dare to ask her about her personal life

After her class Vansh pick her up then helped her in home work...

Whole day was so good with both of them... Though Dadi didn't stop her taunt but Vansh didn't give a damn to her words... He directly said to her that Riddhima is his wife and he can do whatever he wants and she is no one to interfere in their life

Riddhima was so happy with Vansh's behaviour and was afraid of dadi.. She was feeling bad also bcz of her Vansh is not talking to dadi nicely but Vansh told her not to worry about this things

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