Her wish got granted

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you sighed and enter in your pretty but cold apartment where no one was present to welcome you.you moved tired body towards the couch and stump on it not turning on the lights because you were lazy to do that. You were tired of being alone .you wanted someone to be with you to take care of you.you know you could always opt to have a room for rent and have a roommate but that's not what you want.you want someone to be yours.someone who would be protective to you not because they are your roommate because they truly care for you. You feel Tear brims in your eyes and you just let them flow.
y/n:i don't have anyone.i just want someone.i want to be loved to cared to protected only if there was a magic i would build a human whom i called husband.i know i look too desperate but i'm desperate.i just want someone whom i call mine.you talked to no one in particular crying silently.you do not notice how the jewel of your necklace shined and dimmed back again after few seconds when tiredness was consuming you. You sleep on the couch without changing or eating anything.
              (Next day:night time)
You were driving your car back to your apartment to continue the same boring routine of yours you drove fast to pass the road that is sad to be haunted and just like curse yourself for having an apartment after this place but the apartment was one of the best one. Just when you were passing you got scared to hell by the bright lighting that suddenly struck to the ground.you pressed the breaks to stop the car and the car stopped with a loud screech you heart was pounding really fast as you were afraid.with big deep breathes you bite your lips and look up on the road that was now suddenly so silent.this was the first time something like this happened. With a gulp you again start your car but freeze when you hear few groans from outside of the window noise was easily heard you try to ignoring the groaning voice and start the car again but than your soft,caring heart did not let you away easily you try looking out and squint your eyes but the darkness overpowered making you unable to distinguish anythinng.
y/n:what if someone was passing by here and got hurt due to the sudden lighting or whatever it was?
you pull your hairs being in dilemma whether to help this person or not?you hear the groan again and you punched the steering wheel wincing in pain after that is hurt you.
y/n:oh fvck just be simple human not something dangerous.
You say and open the car and turn on the flashlight of your mobile to look in the dark with shaky legs you walked ahead look at the front but nothing was there but then you again hear groan and immediately turn your flashlight towards the direction.you gasp when you see someone with quick heartbeat you run to the human than you notice something that human was a man and he was........freaking N-KED your eyes widen like a plate and a big gasp was heard from you that made the guy opened his eyes and looked straight in your eyes.

freaking N-KED your eyes widen like a plate and a big gasp was heard from you that made the guy opened his eyes and looked straight in your eyes

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