Common Room Conversations

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"If I didn't know any better" started James, he and the group of friends entered Gryffindor Common Room after the portrait of the Fat Lady had finally decided to let them pass. A few of the portraits close by had cringed at the screech the Fat Lady had insisted was her best opera voice. "I would say old Dumbledore's speech was aimed at us" he added, motioning between (Y/N) and the remaining three Marauders. Dumbledore's speech was still fresh in memory, even after the amazing feast filled with endless choices for dinner and dessert. He'd spoken about the mischief and constant pranks the year prior, hinting toward the idea of it calming a little now, at least since those involved had more subjects to choose from and would likely be more occupied with work and other things such as the trips to Hogsmeade and Quidditch.

"It was aimed at you dofus" commented Marlene as she walked passed, a smile on her lips. Although she was a little down, her little brother Mason, had been sorted into Slytherin. Despite that, she was proud of him and pleased he at least had one friend in Regulus. "No one else in the years above or below caused so much chaos last year. Plus we all know the new caretaker won't be pleased if he has to chase you lot around as well as Peeves" she laughed, taking a seat on one of the sofas, with Lily and (Y/N) on either side of her, Isolde on the armchair to the side, pulling faces at the first years, as if to lighten the mood slightly.

"Ah, we'll probably be causing enough havoc in Care of Magical Creatures and DADA" replied Isolde. Her excitement had only grown over the holidays, she always had a love for creatures, even more so the magical ones. Despite only being a third year, she had hopes of one day becoming a Magizoologist, studying dragons in particular, there was just something about the mythical and dangerous beasts that always intrigued her.

"I'll try not to melt the potion cauldron with an acidic mess this year" called Sirius, as he sat at one of the wooden tables, seemingly ignoring the girls that had begun to show attraction, almost as if he was oblivious to it. "Well, I will if (Y/N) doesn't make another banger like last year"

"Whatever did I do to get such attention from you?" playfully asked (Y/N), the familiar mischievous gleam returning to her (E/C) eyes. Once again Sirius' cheeks began to burn up, much to (Y/N)'s amusement. Lily and Marlene also seemed to find the funny side, whereas Isolde merely commented it was sweet. Allegra on the other hand, remained quiet, as if unsure what to say or let the thoughts floating through her mind, pass her lips in a thinly worded comment. "Only joking with you Black. It would be fun tormenting you in detention again, same with James" she added with a more innocent smile.

"Oi, I plan to stay out of detention this year. Me old parents threatened to send a howler if I didn't start behaving" hurriedly replied James, as he threatened his father wording the threat, and his mother trying to lighten the blow. Neither were particularly thrilled with the constant pranks and jokes but were at least happy he'd found friends.

"I'll believe that when it happens" voiced Remus, with a chuckle. His eyes light up a little as the letters shared over the holidays come to mind. How Peter, James, and Sirius had come up with a plan to help him on full moons, although it was one that could take months, even years to properly succeed at. They were going to try and become Animajus. Something Remus knew was no easy feat, but at the same time, he couldn't help but be thankful to them, in the same way, he was thankful for (Y/N), using her ability to make that time of the month easier for him, if not a little more enjoyable.

"You're jumping into studying early" commented Allegra, as she sat on the other arm, across from her twin. James had hold of an advanced potions book, another small book on top of it, although she couldn't make out what the title of it was. Peter and James looked to the books whereas Sirius and Remus shared an uncertain glance, as if they were suddenly unsure how well they could keep Remus' condition a secret or what they were going to attempt away from the often gossipy girl.

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