Pumpkin Juice Prank

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The start of the third year had started out like any other. The train ride to Hogwarts had been filled with friends catching up and talking about their adventures over the summer holidays, speaking of things that weren't written about in letters. First-year students hopelessly tried to navigate the tight halls of the train cars to find an empty compartment to sit in and mind their own business. Marlene had all but dragged her little brother with her, doing as she promised and keeping an eye on him. The eleven-year-old was quiet, sitting near the window, only speaking up when pulled into the conversation or asked a question.

He seemed to perk up a little bit when Sirius entered the already crowded compartment, Regulus following along behind. It was obvious the pair were brothers, both having the same silvery blue eyes and dark curly hair. Both had that mystique about them. Almost instantly Sirius was dragged into a conversation by Allegra, the teenager hoping this would be different this year, although she still had her mind set on becoming a powerful witch, and she had yet to make up for what she'd done to Marlene the year prior.

Regulus on the other hand had quickly found common ground with (Y/N) of all people, something that seemed to coax the younger Black out of his shell. Marlene's brother Mason, seemed to be brought out of his nervous shell by Isolde and Lily, both asking questions and doing their best to learn about him, if only so he knew if he had a problem he could go to them. Much like (Y/N) seemed to be doing for Regulus.

"You're drooling" whispered Remus from next to Sirius. The latter had been watching (Y/N) for some time, to the point he'd zone out of the debate going on between Peter and James.

"He's staring let alone drooling" commented Marlene with a giggle, although she didn't tease him any further.

"Not staring, gazing" commented Sirius.

"You were staring" replied Remus, continuing to tease one of his best friends, noticing Allegra had gone quiet now, instead seemingly observing the interactions around the small compartment as if she silently questioned if she truly belonged among them, silently questioning if she planned to be with them for the foreseeable future, or if she could get what she truly desired from the group huddled together.

"Take a picture, Sirius, it will last longer" voiced (Y/N), a chuckle escaping her after a few seconds of trying to keep a straight face.

"And it's less dangerous. Won't blow anything up" spoke James, seeing the way (Y/N) cocked an eyebrow as if James had given her an idea.

"We'll see" she simply responded, a mischievous undertone to her voice. One that ticked Regulus, sat beside her. Soon enough (Y/N)'s hair began to change, something that appeared to intrigue both Regulus and Mason.

"I'm afraid to ask what that meant" squeaked Peter, as if he was afraid a simple photo of (Y/N) would snap and crackle like the exploding snap cards, or she would put the potion she made the previous year to good use and cause another blast.

"If you do turn a photo in an explosive device, please do give a kind heads up, so we can get to a safe distance" laughed Isolde, speaking up for the first time, while motioning to Lily, Marlene, and herself. "Might I suggest trying it out on a few miscellaneous items first" commented the muggle-born, throwing a helpful suggestion into the mix.

"That's not helping" called James, especially when he recalled all the boogy traps from the year prior. Everything from sinkholes to the firepowder in books. On top of that (Y/N) had mastered some difficult spells and caused havoc on the Quidditch pitch. The prank war had served to entertain the school and sway Peeves to (Y/N) side.

"So the stories are true?" spoke Regulus, his words nonchalant as if he hadn't meant to speak them aloud. Nonetheless, Sirius' cheeks began to heat up, as it became knowledge he had spoken of (Y/N) while at home. "Sirius talks about the mischief and chaos all the time, almost like he's a fan" added the youngest Black, a grin appearing on his features, as Sirius attempted to hide by the magazine Isolde had previously been flicking through. Attempting to hide his reddened cheeks.

"Sirius and (Y/N) sitting in a tree" started James, as if to add to the embarrassment. Refusing to stop even when Remus kicked his shins and Sirius all but glared at him, in an attempt to will his best friend to shut up.

"Come on mate, shut up before you make it rain more than Allegra did last year with her singing" exclaimed Sirius, not hearing Allegra huff in annoyance at the comment, a comment she took as an insult almost immediately.

"K.I.S.S.I.N.G. First comes love ..." continued James as if he had not heard a single word anyone had spoken to dissuade him otherwise. "Then comes marriage"

"(Y/N), What was the potion you put in James' drink earlier?" casually asked Lily, almost instantly the singing stopped and the deafening silence took its place.

"Essence of Insanity" replied (Y/N), as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Makes the drinker suspicious of everything, until they think they're losing their marbles" she explained, winking to Regulus, as if cluing him into the joke, Marlene whispering to her little brother, doing the same.

"That's a terrible joke" squeaked Peter, not catching on to the joke and becoming suspicious of his own bottle of water from the treat trolly. Eying it carefully, as if expecting it to suddenly begin to glow and change color. Remus could only chuckle when James all but jumped up and pressed his face to the window, the rain and thick clouds preventing him from seeing much. The moment James left the compartment to look out the other windows, Peter followed as if to try and talk some sense into him.

"What was it really?" asked Remus, looking between the girls, quickly suspecting Allegra had nothing to do with the joke at hand.

"Pumpkin juice" replied (Y/N) with a sly grin and amusement ringing through her voice.

"Cleaver" commented Sirius. "If he's calmed down by the time we're sent to our dorms, we'll tell him the truth then" he laughed, watching as James ran past the compartment, followed by Peter seconds later who acted as if he too had been spiked with pumpkin juice.

"Wasn't there a singing potion in Allegra's one" commented Lily, looking to Isolde this time, recalling the younger Smith twin was attempting to brew the simple potion before the holiday. Her reasoning was simple, if Allegra was going to instant of tormenting everyone with her singing, then the potion was needed, to ensure the singing was in tune and did not sound like a hippogriff was being strangled.

Almost instantly Allegra looked at her drink, before standing opening the small window and tossing her drink from it, before eyeing the empty plastic cup with more suspicion. James by now was saying the windows weren't letting him see anything, much to the confusion of other students.

"Better get changed, we'll be arriving soon" commented Marlene, sweeping her little brother out of the compartment and offering to take Regulus as well. On the way to the toilet in the car, she grabbed hold of James, sending him back to their small compartment while resisting the urge to slap him silly. A small chuckle escaped her as he regained some of his lost senses.

"Is it normally like that with your friends?" asked Mason, curiosity ringing through his voice. He could recall Marlene mentioning a prank war of sorts, with (Y/N) being one of the participants, but he couldn't remember the things she'd said that happened. Regulus too had heard of the prank war, but more Sirius's going super fan mode, even now it was becoming increasingly obvious, that his older brother had a crush on the only girl involved in the pranks and mischief.

"From what I heard, that's a calmer one. Sirius mentioned something about a powder in books and an explosive potion" voiced Regulus, a small smile forming on his lips, as he waited beside Marlene, fiddling with the zipper of his jacket.

"Firepowder, harmless and hidden in books, both James and Sirius found it among countless others" replied Marlene. "The potion was just an experiment (Y/N) was doing to occupy herself. To say it made a bit of a mess was an understatement. She ended up in the hospital wing for a few days after that" she admitted, although when she thought about it, most of (Y/N)"s chaos had come from the spells she used. "The Patronus charm caused the most havoc. Scared everyone in the common room, including herself" laughed Marlene, recalling (Y/N) had fallen off the back of the sofa.

"Suddenly, I'm curious what she'll get up to this year" commented Regulus as he entered the bathroom, when Mason came out clad in his black Hogwarts robes, robes that would soon be representing the house they were sorted into. Although Regulus found himself in a bit of a dilemma now. He'd always wanted to be in Slytherin, as most members of his family had been before him. But now he found himself with a wish to follow in Sirius' footsteps and be in Gryffindor. 

The Marauders & The MetamorphmagiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora