Potion Blast

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"What are you doing?" asked Remus, from his spot at one of the tables in the far corner of Gryffindor's common room. He'd been reading a random book when (Y/N) had attracted his attention. She appeared so innocent yet he knew that wasn't a word to describe the girl sitting on the floor near the fireplace. Lily and Marlene were on the sofa to her side, talking and minding their own business, although they would glance over to (Y/N) every now and again. (Y/N) had what looked like a cauldron in front of her, along with several ingredients, yet no potions book.

"Experimenting" replied (Y/N), as she gently added something else to the bubbling liquid, leaning back just a little to avoid the slight poof that emanated from the cauldron. Remus shook his head and returned to reading, guessing the potion was either a way to cause chaos in the future or another attempt to create something new, similar to the fire powder the previous month. Isolde on the other hand simply chuckled at her dorm mate's antics, finding herself suddenly questioning why the sorting hat had chosen to place the metamorphic witch in Gryffindor rather than Ravenclaw.

Silence soon returned, at least for a few minutes, before the ear-piercing shriek rattled through the tower. Allegra soon comes running down the stone steps from the girl's dormitory, holding the sparkly dress she intended to wear at some point over the year. The dress she had designated for date purposes. Isolde had turned away from her twin the moment she realized what the shrieking was about, whereas the others looked a mixture of confusion and startled. Sirius and James shared identical looks when entering the common room, before joining Remus at the table in the corner. Peter on the other hand had all but frozen in fear at the screaming, clearly not understanding what was going on but still terrified by the display and all the yelling.

"You're fire powder works" called Sirius, putting the dusty book Remus had told him to find on the table. (Y/N) offered a small bit of laughter, upon seeing Sirius and James' hair alight. At the same time, it was obvious the pair had attempted to put the harmless flames out, only succeeding in changing the color. Sirius had managed to change the once purple flames to a silvery-blue, whereas James had turned his to a green any Slytherin student would be proud of. With a simple wordless wave of her wand, (Y/N) extinguished the flames, her mischievous grin remaining unmoved, as she and the rest of the common room ignored Allegra's continued yelling about her sequin dress being ruined.

"Did you succeed in casting the Patronus Charm?" asked James, recalling returning from detention the last time, only to find (Y/N) attempting to cast the difficult spell. An advanced spell book was on the table before her. "I'd wager anything your patronus will be as crazy as you when you finally do conjure it" announced the brunette wizard, noticing Allegra had stopped yelling, apparently having noticed no one was paying her any mind, instead letting her exhaust herself and her voice.

"You mean if she can cast it, it's advanced magic, most grown and trained witches and wizards can't cast it" rudely commented Allegra, as if her opinion was more important than others. James shook his head and several around the room shared similar expressions, as if wishing for Allegra's constant and unwanted drama to end, or at least hoping she'd eventually grow into a respectable witch rather than the troublesome one she was now.

"When" replied Remus calmly, as if correcting Allegra. The muggle-born witch soon turned her attention to the smarter boy, noticing he hadn't even looked up from the book he was reading. Instead simply offered his correction without sparing her the time or curisy of his attention. "(Y/N)'s smart, she'll figure it out eventually. After the fire powder last month and whatever potion she's making up there. There's little doubt she'll succeed soon or later" he added. Recalling how quickly she'd worked out his secret, although she kept it to herself, instead sparing the time every full moon to help him, risking her own well-being and using her abilities to do so.

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