Start from the beginning

Jul 18, 2023, 8:14 AM


"Alright..I am sorry.." Moira said sighing softly "I think a few weeks ago..I didn't keep track.." she said honestly as she looked away. She clearly was feeling the effects of the alcohol already as she was much more open now then she was before. Also her blushed cheeks and nose gave it away. She clearly couldn't handle this percentage of alcohol. Her height didn't help either.

Jul 18, 2023, 6:25 PM


Astrid let out a long sigh. "Well if that's it then, I think I'll go find Hiccup. Have a good night, Moira. Remember to dance, drink, laugh, and feast!" she said to her as she got up and walked backwards before skipping off.

Jul 18, 2023, 9:14 PM


"W-Wait why?" Moira asked turning back to look at her but she was already gone. She sighed softly before looking around the hall. She then stood up after putting her cup down and walked towards the exit to get some fresh air.

Jul 19, 2023, 2:26 PM


As she was headed for the door she heard her name being called. Looking behind her, she saw Gregor standing at her table she was just at, smiling kindly as Arne took a seat beside him.

Jul 19, 2023, 2:55 PM


Moira clearly hesitated before sighing as she walked over to them. She sat down next to them again. " why are ye smiling like that?" She asked Gregor

Jul 19, 2023, 3:32 PM


He set down a platter of food on the table. "What? Am I not allowed to be polite?" he asked.

"He's drunk," Arne said plainly.

"Am not!" he protested. "Have yuh had anything to eat, lass? The food here is delicious!" he told Moira.


Moira sighed softly again before giving him a small smile. "Aye it's delicious here..I tried.." she said to her fellow Scotsman. She then picked up her cup again. "..where do ye get the drinks again?" She still was finding her way in this busy hall.


"Aye, over that way—big ol' barrels," he said as he pointed.

"I'm honestly surprised sticky fingers over here hasn't stolen your necklace yet," Arne commented when he, too, came over to sit by them.

"Don't hold your breath," Faelan commented and sat beside her, holding up her necklace now for him to see, somehow stealing it off her within the last two seconds. But of course he handed it back to her with a smirk.

Jul 20, 2023, 2:45 AM


Moira glared at him when grabbing her necklace back. "Don't ye dare try that again.." she stated as she put it back on and hid it in her dress. She then stood up and walked over to the barrels.

Jul 20, 2023, 11:30 AM


As Moira walked, her eyes looked around the room. She spotted the twins deep into an arm wrestling competition, Ruarrc was sitting with some other like minded folk who were talking quietly to one another, and her eyes spotted Uriah as well. He was sitting Indian style on the ground with kids all around him as he was telling them a story of some kind with theatrical hand gestures and immersive voices that made the kids laugh, their attention heavily wrapped in the story.

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