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Seokjin has Yoongi for the day because Namjoon is working right now so Yoongi is home with Seokjin and Yoongi is a little but his real age is fourteen years old and his little space age is baby space and today Yoongi doesn't know that Namjoon is not home because Namjoon left before Yoongi woke up Seokjin goes into the nursery to wake Yoongi up but when he gets in the nursery he sees that Yoongi is awake in his crib " Morning little one" Seokjin said as he picked Yoongi up from the crib Yoongi starts crying because he doesn't see Namjoon "dada" Yoongi cried looking around for Namjoon "dada is working sweetie it's just appa right now" Seokjin said as he walks over to the changing table to dress Yoongi and change his diaper once Yoongi is laid on the changing table he starts kicking his legs and screaming because he wants Namjoon Yoongi is a daddy's boy he always wants Namjoon holding him when he gets up in the Morning "Yoongi calm down" Seokjin said as he tried changing Yoongi and when Seokjin gets Yoongi dressed which was a little hard for him then he picks up Yoongi and walks out of the nursery and Yoongi is still throwing a tantrum "shhh baby you're okay" Seokjin said as he puts Yoongi in his baby swing so he can make a bottle for him Seokjin goes to the kitchen and makes the bottle once the bottle is done he goes over to Yoongi and takes him out of the swing and Seokjin sits on the couch and tries to feed Yoongi but Yoongi is kicking his legs and starts hitting his appa Seokjin puts the bottle down on the coffee table and he stands up with Yoongi in his arms still and he walks back and forth while rocking Yoongi in his arms and Seokjin grabs toy keys and shakes them in front of Yoongi to see if he will play but when Yoongi grabs the keys he starts hitting Seokjin with them "No hitting Appa" Seokjin said as he takes the keys away from Yoongi Seokjin puts Yoongi in his baby swing again and he turns on the swing and it starts rocking Yoongi calms down a little bit and Seokjin turns on the tv and puts Winnie the Pooh on for Yoongi to listen to and Seokjin sits on the couch tired from Yoongi's tanturm once Yoongi is calm Seokjin gets the baby bottle and tries to feed Yoongi again since the baby swing is next the couch Yoongi drinks the bottles and falls asleep in the swing and Seokjin naps too when it's 4:00pm Seokjin wakes up to see Namjoon walk threw the door " How was your day" Namjoon asked " it was not that good today Yoongi threw a tantrum for awhile because you weren't here and it took awhile before he calmed down and I fed him breakfast and he's still asleep" Seokjin said Namjoon goes over to Yoongi and picks him up from the swing and gives him a kiss on his forehead and Namjoon sees Yoongi wake up "I heard you missed daddy" Namjoon said and Yoongi smiles at his daddy he's happy that his daddy is with him now

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