Jacob 2

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September 9th, I woke up again. I fell asleep around 2 hours ago; I don't have the energy to breathe. If I only could just cease to exist. Why do we exist at all? Does anything we do matter? Who cares, really... I was planning on getting my revenge today, Wednesday, September 9th. Jacob should get what he deserves. But is it ethical from my side to get revenge? What would society think about this? I mean... why would anybody care about something I do? Aren't they more occupied with their own lives? Anyway, I drifted away from the topic so quickly. Why does my brain function like that? Why do ideas bring up more and more ideas so eventually we end up in a different place? Just like in life, events keep happening and happening, and eventually, we end up in one place, and then another one. But there is one difference; life does have an end. Do thoughts have an end? It does not really matter.

School hallways again, all these different classes, a lot of useless and useful information at once. How does our brain handle all of this just by sending electrical impulses? I can't really get an understanding of it. I am thinking about all these things, discussing them with myself, but why? I don't really have anyone to talk to; nobody is interested in spending time with me. I guess I am not that deserving of attention. Anyways, someone caught my eye;

12:37 Jacob was harassing someone. Who was it? Did that person suffer like me? Maybe he or she is already used to it, just like me... It does not really matter. My primitive instincts tell me revenge should be imposed.

12.41. - Yo Jacob - I said in the hallway; everybody stared at me with confusion or maybe surprise, but it didn't matter - Do you mind a quick talk? I was nervous while saying this, but something inside of me told me it should be done now.

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