Chapter 20: Ending Summer "Vacation"

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    It was not much of a vacation for Mariko. Apparently, the person labeled "HKR Kami Key" on her phone decided to launch the game she finished during summer, and she was swamped with bug reports. YouTube, fixing and improving the AI, and a new game were also cutting into her schedule. Suffice it to say that Mariko's entire break was just filled with more work than her regular school routine. She knew that dipping back into her supply was not a good idea but it did help her get through those long hours of work. Eventually, she found herself making more and more mistakes. The code that she would write was definitely falling short of her standards, but obligations had to be fulfilled. So when she failed to plan ahead and ran out of Modafinil she had to turn to Adderall. Which wasn't a great plan since prolonging use could lead to some devastating consequences for her health.

    As she slipped deeper and deeper into her work, the rest of the family also began to be caught up with their own lives. Aqua had to go to the wrap party and apparently got another acting gig. Ruby was very busy asking Miyako questions about idols. Miyako also seemed to be scrambling to get an idol group together as fast as humanly possible, but always hitting some sort of brick wall. That wasn't to say Mariko didn't have any interaction with her family. In fact the conversation around the family table seemed livelier than ever before. Aqua had been starting to share some of the insights he had gained form editing movies. Ruby would start talking about idols and such. Mariko would add her own thoughts on the matter and repeat. However, the most time consuming part was visiting Ai in the hospital. Mariko would obviously give the twins there time to talk to the mother privately before she would enter with Miyako.

    Every time she enters the room Mariko would feel unsettled. She hated the hospital and these visits were very unnerving. The doctors, the sterile walls, the smell, and that terrible beeping sound all served to strengthen her hatred of the hospital. The fact that she didn't have anything to say made the experience even more dreadful. There was only so much she could gleam from a couple panels of the manga. Ruby and Aqua at least had something that they could talk about, and Miyako could talk about the past. All Mariko could do was sit tight lipped knowing that the minute that ticked away would equate to the use of another pill.

    Ruby was about to walk out of the hospital room when she made eye contact with Mariko. Well eye contact wasn't the right word her eyes were making contact Mariko's eyes on the other hand were staring into space. "Mariko, it's time to go." Ruby said softly as she headed towards the door. She noticed that Mariko did not respond so she walked over and grabbed her hand leading her toward the door. Ruby heard Mariko awkwardly said, "I am sorry I sort of zoned out. I promise I mean no disrespect." Ruby nodded her head and just led her towards the car. As Ruby got into the back seat of the car she noticed that Mariko was already fast asleep. Which left her to her own thoughts for the duration of the ride.

    It did not take long for Ruby's mind to go from "Mariko-chan is so cute when she is sleeping like that" to "why is she so tired?" In fact that was a question that was bothering her all summer. Ruby had seen Miyako working tirelessly on creating an idol group, and Aqua leaving to do whatever he is doing with the director on a regular basis. So she guessed that neither of them had noticed. She tried to think back to the past. When did this start to happen? She couldn't help letting her mind wander back to the day Ai was hospitalized. "Mariko was still pretty normal back then. Well as normal as you could be as a child that had someone they know die." Ruby thought to herself while staring at Mariko's sleeping figure.

    While looking at Mariko's relaxed expression Ruby remembers the first time she started locking herself in her room. It was when she was 8 years old. Ruby had seen the drive in Mariko's eyes. Ruby had no idea what she was working on but she stayed in her room for hours on end doing something, but still she was always punctual and in good spirits. "The oddities started later." Ruby thought trying to pick up on anything at all.

    After a while Ruby gave up exasperated and pulled out her phone to play the mobile game "Brightest Hour" developed by Sai Mari. While Ruby was playing the game something about the female main character's voice stood out to her but she could not quite put a finger on it. Ruby enjoyed the game's story which is about an idol manager trying to rebuild an idol group after the initial group all retired at the same time. The story does not really go into why the initial group was a failure which led to some online speculation about what happened in the lore of the game, but Ruby did not care much for lore. Ruby really enjoyed the in game music even though it was a bit amateurish.

    Mariko slowly awoke from her peaceful nap. It was a time of calm where she could forget about everything and exist in limbo. Mariko still didn't enjoy car rides, and waking up in the backseat of her mother's car did not give her any comfort. Anyone on the road could stop paying attention and rear end their car at any time. She understood that it was not the most rational fear in the world but when a car accident was the catalyst for her existence it would be inhuman not to retain a bit of trepidation.

    Ruby was busy playing "Brightest Hour" when Mariko asked, "You enjoy it?" Ruby looked up to see Mariko gesturing at her phone. Ruby inadvertently said, "I like the music." For a split second Mariko looked amused before saying, "The music is a bit amateur though. I mean anyone that spent 25 years listening to background tracks, and YouTube originals can make that." Ruby was about to retort when Aqua asked, "What are you talking about?" "The Brightest Hour soundtrack." Mariko and Ruby answered simultaneously. Mariko then continued, "I am not saying the game is bad and I am sure that the developer undoubtedly spent many sleepless nights trying to perfect the game but it is obviously a new genre that the developer has not made before. This time Ruby was ready to respond, "Yeah and how would you know?" There was an audible sigh from Mariko before she said, "I follow the work of Sai Mari very closely. I have played every single release, and read every single statement she makes on social media. So I can tell what is a polished release and something that is more rough and rudimentary." "I still think you are a bit too hard on the soundtrack," said Ruby.

Only a few weeks had passed and now the school year had started again. Ruby and Aqua were going to experience their first day in high school. Mariko waited until they stepped past the front door before saying, "Well good luck on your first day at entertainment high school." Before the two could reply Mariko withdrew deeper into the house to get ready for another year. "This is where the real fun begins." She thought to herself as she prepared for the beginning of the story.

Man there has been a very long delay. I have been reading through this story and found a lot of short comings, but I am not discontinuing this book I will try an improve the quality of my own sake. Happy late new years.

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