Chapter 19: Aqua's Acting and Mariko's Review

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Again other obligations took precedence. Idk about the quality this time around.

"Someone moved my copy of the 'Sweet Today' manga." Aqua said out of the blue. "Why do you have to be so cryptic about it? Just ask who borrowed the book. It would save everyone a lot of time if you are more straightforward, and if you are wondering I am the person that borrowed your manga. You were out with Kana and I didn't want to be rude and call you in the middle of your discussion so I just acted on my own discretion." Mariko's long winded reply hung in the air for a moment.

"Mariko-chan was very interested in finishing the initial volume of the manga when we read it together yesterday." Ruby was quite chipper. Mariko knew what she was doing. She was going to get Aqua to question her about the sudden interest in 'Sweet Today.' "I didn't know you were interested in romance manga." Aqua said, redirecting his gaze toward Mariko. "I just wanted to know the source material for what Aqua would be acting in. Plus, the story is a bit ... actually very unrealistic at least in my opinion-" before Mariko could finish her thoughts on the manga Ruby asked, "But was it entertaining, because I think you have fun reading it." Mariko avoided Ruby's gaze before saying, "I never said I didn't enjoy reading it but I just don't think it is realistic."

"Aqua shouldn't you get ready for the shoot?" Mariko asked, changing the subject of the conversation. "It might be better to get a head start since the weather is" Mariko jabbed her finger towards the window. Aqua nodded in agreement before he stood up from the table. Before Aqua could step into the hall Mariko called out, "Remember to use all the skills that the old man taught you and put on the best performance of the whole product." Aqua paused before leaving the room.

Ruby turned back to face Mariko before saying, "I never thought you cared about this sort of thing." Mariko met her gaze before leaning against the back of her chair as a slight smirk appeared on her face. "There are a lot of things I care about. I just don't go telling everybody about it. You and your brother are both people I care about to one extent or another. There are others as well but they aren't here so... it is what it is." Before finishing her sentence Mariko's smirk disappeared, replaced by a more solemn expression.

Mariko's mind drifted from the current conversation. Something about her last statement revealed a bit more than she would have liked. She had not reflected a lot on her time in this new world. Ever since Ai's hospitalization she had just busied herself with programs, school, projects, and dealing with fallout. Even now she knew she had to start working on a new game. Development takes a long time even with all the shortcuts she takes.

Ruby had long since gotten familiar with Mariko's ability to, at random intervals, zone out of a conversation, but she hadn't expected it at this moment. "Mariko? Hello." Ruby would go unanswered as Mariko's eyes continued to stare blankly into space. Ruby slowly made her way to Mariko's side and waved her hand in front of Mariko's face trying to get her to snap out of it. It was quick but Ruby noticed the life that came back into Mariko's eyes before she asked, "Ruby, what kind of person do you think I am?"

The question caught Ruby by surprise. She really didn't think much about it until Mariko asked. However, it seems the pause was enough. Before Ruby could think of anything to say Mariko had continued, "Thought so." The somber tone of her voice was immediately apparent which crushed Ruby a little. All she wanted to do was be an idol that brings joy to others but Mariko, who should have been as close as family, seemed to be a stranger. Her smiles are always fleeting, and everything else seemed to be immensely controlled. Ruby thought, "That's probably why I acted as I did yesterday." It seemed as though her accidental bonding moment with Mariko had paid off.

"Have you ever thought of what you would do after you start working?" Ruby laughed slightly as she said, "You are more scatterbrained than I thought." "Well that is the result of taking so many... Never mind, I just like being able to jump from thing to thing. By the way I need to shop for some clothes, you want anything I can order it for you?" This left Ruby with a choice to answer Mariko's question or ask about what she takes.

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