Chapter 9: The School Dance

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Short Chapter

It was hard to keep in the excitement Mariko felt when she walked into the auditorium. Aqua and Ruby never told her about the festival but when her parents took her to the auditorium, she knew what was happening. It was a class event for the preschool kids and so Aqua and Ruby had to take part. The only downside to this entire thing was that she was not old enough to have a phone or a camera on which to record the show. Her dad had promised her that once it started he would lift her up so she could watch the whole thing. Mariko sat there in her chair fidgeting slightly. Then the lights dimmed and the preschool students shambled into the stage. Mariko felt the hands of her dad wrapping around her waist as she was lifted off the seat. Her dad had set her on his shoulder so she could see over the crowd. The show began and the kids started their routines.

Ruby danced like there was no tomorrow. Mariko could definitely say that she captured her mother's draw factor. Even though her movements were still that of an amateur, Mariko could see that she was far better than the other kids on stage. Mariko scoured through the kids on stage trying to find what Aqua was doing in the performance. When Mariko finally found him, she nearly fell into a fit of laughter. Aqua was standing in the background doing the bare minimum, and the look on his face told her all she needed to know. He definitely didn't practice, and he was one hundred percent embarrassed. At this point Mariko was distracted by Ai saying something about Ruby's performance. Mariko glanced over at Ai, who seemed proud of her children. Mariko made a note that even now Ai's eyes seem to radiate light like a star. That light never seems to stop. "It must be tiring to be the shining star." Mariko thought as she turned her attention back towards the stage. That is when she saw the joyousness in Ruby's eyes. "Maybe if I could just clear my head and start over I can be as carefree as Ruby is." At that moment she took a deep breath and enjoyed the rest of the festival.

Mariko's conscious: Everything is ok and I have nothing to worry about.

Mariko's inner subconscious: Everything is about to go to shit and you will be hurt in the process because of your own thought process (stupidity).

Short chapter since it just focuses on a small event.

Also is Ai going into die, who knows.

All I know is David Zheng knowledge might be useful.

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