Chapter 6: A Room Full of the Reincarnated

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It has been seventeen months since Mariko was reincarnated. She had sat in on a lot of conversation between her dad and his business contacts. It was honestly some of the most interesting conversations she had the chance to ever listen in on. She did delay her first word of a couple months just so her father can justify bringing her along to the meetings. In her opinion it was much safer for her if she acted dumb a bit longer. She had lived in the environment long enough and could understand the vast majority of what was being discussed. Obviously, some of the more complicated words and phrases went over her head but she got the point. The entire entertainment industry is built on connections and everyone leaks information. "Trust no one is a pretty bad way to live but it is the way a lot of these people in this industry have to live. It is just sad." She had thought about it on multiple occasions. However, it has been a week and she could tell that the game was up. She was not being brought to anymore off-the-record meetings. The facade had to end quickly.

Mariko was currently situated on the sofa watching reruns of past B-Komachi concerts with Ruby and Aqua. The twins were next to each other singing their praises of their mother which was quite entertaining for Mariko. While she did agree that Ai was the magnetic force behind B-Komachi's success, in her mind the group had fallen short of expectations. B-Komachi has the capability of being a well oiled machine that churns out tons and tons of money but no it was just another well to do idol group. The problem was the motivation factor of the other members, and the root factor of the lack of motivation was Ai herself. "You let Ai carry too much. It is blatantly clear that the others know that they can never achieve the same draw factor, and that they don't need to put in as much effort. They can just rely on Ai. Ichigo should convince the group that the fans are fans of B-Komachi and not just Ai. This would make the others want to improve and perform better." She thought to herself. She looked back at the twins and smiled softly. It was fun watching them talk about their interests. That being said, it was time for Mariko to start taking her first steps.

The twins were still enthralled with their conversation when Mariko started to scoot closer and closer to the edge of the sofa. It was not until they heard a small thump of something landing on the floor did they turn away from the TV screen and look at the direction in which the noise emitted from. Mariko had scooted off the sofa and was now standing on shaky legs. It took a lot more effort to walk than she had originally anticipated. Her balance was not great, and her center of gravity was off. Mariko decided it was definitely a better idea to use the sofa as a hand hold as she got used to walking around upright. She was now feebly walking back and forth under the watchful eyes of both Ruby and Aqua.

Aqua was the first to speak. "If this was her first time walking it is actually pretty impressive." Ruby turned to face Aqua and asked, "Huh, how so?" Aqua shrugged his shoulders slightly and said, "Well, she hasn't fallen over yet, and with every back and forth it would seem that she is getting more steady." Ruby nodded as her gaze returned to Mariko. At that moment she saw Mariko push away from the sofa and slowly started to walk completely unaided. "Smart girl," said Aqua. It was a little cringe-inducing watching Mariko's unsteady steps as she tried to walk with no support. Aqua had half the mind to look away before she fell over but couldn't.

Mariko herself was having some immense regrets about trying to walk without support too early. She did not want to bother her mom and she doubted that the twins were able to do anything if she had asked them to help, so there she was stranded in the middle of the room with no help. She had to stop and focus on a goal. She slowly turned and looked around the room to find something to move towards. There was a chair on the far side of the table where her mother was sitting. "There, that is my destination." She thought to herself as she started to walk once more. The journey was difficult and by the time Mariko had almost reached the table a decision had to be made. Either walk to the intended chair and fall in the process or walk to her mom and interrupt her work. She had settled on the second option, and took the last few steps.

Miyako did not let much distract her from her work but when she felt a warm small hand resting on her leg she had to look downwards, but before she could she heard a wavering high pitched voice saying, "I did it." When Miyako finally saw who had spoken she was quite surprised, and immensely joyful. It was a shock to be sure. Her daughter's first words were "I did it." In her mind it was very unorthodox but Mariko had said something and that was all that mattered. Her daughter was now currently covering her mouth and face as if embarrassed, not willing to look up to meet Miyako's eyes. Miyako found this strange display cute as she picked up Mariko and carried her into the air. "Is there anything else you want to say?" Miyako asked in a soft voice as if trying to get a specific answer. "I love you, mama," said Mariko while being held in the air. If it was possible for her cheeks to get any redder it would have, but to Miyako all signs of her daughter's embarrassment made her look even cuter.

It wouldn't have been so embarrassing to Mariko if she had said her first words in private, or in front of only her parents; however she was in the presence of Ai's kids, and that voice definitely wasn't dignified. She should have expected as much but it was hard not to be embarrassed especially when she had the memories of how her voice sounded in a past life. What was worse was being hoisted around in the air by her mom like a trophy while other children were around to see this display. She had turned her head enough to see Aqua and Ruby's reaction to the hold ordeal. Ruby looked like she was about to die laughing and Aqua just looked slightly amused. This definitely wasn't making Mariko feel any happier about the situation. For the first time in her new life she wanted to cry out in embarrassment, but she kept quiet. To make a scene would just worsen her embarrassment.

Next chapter is in the time frame when Ruby and Aqua goes to preschool.

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