Chapter 17: Ruby and Mariko Reaction to Aqau's New Job

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(Might make changes to this chapter in the future)

    Mariko had finally got the time to rest. Ruby and Aqua had just gone to YoTo High School for their interview. While they did that Mariko was trying to figure out a way to combine the black tinted visor onto the white face mask she bought previously without breaking the visor or the mask. All the YouTube tutorials that she had watched were done by people that had way more sophisticated technology than she had on hand. So instead of doing anything too complicated she just drove nails through both materials with a hammer to hold the visor in place. After she finished hammering the visor into place she decided to put on the mask to see how it looked. "I could pass for the monster character in a horror movie." Mariko said to herself while looking at her reflection. To her surprise the mask did not really affect the sound of her voice too much. The mask now equipped with a visor allowed her to look around while concealing her face to the outside. "Honestly, this is a bit overkill. But the mask could be a brand thing. This also gives me a bit of mobility compared to Vtubers." Mariko said while taking off the mask. This persona would be her new YouTube project.

    This wasn't even her first YouTube project. She had used the money she had earned from her partnership to buy micro desktop computers where she had worked on creating chatbots that could converse through text and audio. After years of tinkering she finally made the bots converse as naturally as possible. Once Miyako helped her open a bank account she created channels for the bots and launched them. The reception to her project was very mixed. Some people realized that the channels were helmed by bots and started to lambast her for the use of AI. Others were fine with it and found the occasional bug funny and entertaining. Mariko didn't really care for the negative comments in fact she wanted them to attack, because she knew it drove views towards the channels. Plus it was not like her band of 12 programs were going to destroy the entire online entertainment scene. The micro computer constantly and continuously generated content with Mariko's oversight, but now she wanted in on the YouTube action personally. She had a plan. Her channel would follow the rise of Ruby and Aqua in the entertainment industry while also covering topics that she likes. This stopped her in her tracks as she thought, "What do I like?" She spent a majority of the time in her new life either trying to keep things together and functional or working on video game projects, and other profit related projects. It's been such a long time since she even thought about her own personal interests that are not related to financial matters. Mariko dully stared into her computer monitor trying to find something that would interest her.

    Miyako was surprised to see her daughter enter her office in the middle of the day. She turned her attention away from the balance sheet and looked at her daughter. Mariko looked healthier than before, that was for sure. Mariko tilted her head slightly and said, "Restarting the idol department would be difficult, won't it?" Miyako nodded solemnly as she remembered the success that their company had achieved in the past with Ai. As lamented on this loss Mariko had once again spoken up. "Summer is coming up so I will have a lot more free time. Is there anything you would want to do?" The question was so strange coming from her daughter's mouth that Miyako could not help but laugh. It was a really interesting statement, especially the beginning bit about having a lot more free time. "No, I have a lot of planning to do." Miyako replied after she composed herself. "I mean if you need a temporary solution to Ruby's situation I could-" Before Mariko could finish Miyako already knew what she was going to say and cut her off. "The doctor said-" "I know what the doctor said you told me plenty of times but that was a long time ago." Miyako replied, "Since you have a break from school why don't I take you in for a medical checkup." She knew Mariko would reject this notion completely. She had refused to go in for routine checkups for some time. Even Miyako herself understood her daughter's frustrations. Each visit was exactly the same, resulting in the exact same results, so Miyako did not really insist on taking her anyway. "You said you were busy... I don't want to get in your way." Mariko's voice was distant. It was like her mind already moved on to something else. Miyako was slightly confused as to why her daughter continued to stare blankly at the far corner of the room. Miyako said with concern, "Mariko? Are you okay?" Mariko turned ever so slightly before saying, "I am fine." Before Miyako could point out the moisture buildup in Mariko's eyes, Mariko simply looked up. Miyako knew what she was doing. By looking up she would make it harder for her tears to form, and it was also a way to compose oneself. "How did it all end up like this?" Miyako thought to herself. "I don't get why you care so much about everything, but he could just get up and quit. I mean I know Aqua and Ruby aren't his kids fine. Leave, I won't blame him. Didn't he consider that you would have to take on even more responsibilities if he left? I-I don't know what I... Well it doesn't matter anymore anyways. It is what it is." Mariko composed herself after her statement. Miyako walked up to her daughter and put her hand around Mariko's shoulder comforting her. It was not much but it was all Miyako could think of doing at that moment. After a couple seconds of silence Mariko said, "Thanks, umm if you ever need any help I am always willing to help out." With that said she walked out of the office.

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