Chapter 12: Life's Great Equalizer Part-2

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Ai side of the story is told after the doctor's appointment.
I hope everyone lives happily ever after :)

Waiting in the health checkup room was quite possibly the most time consuming thing Mariko had to do in this new life. The doctor was now preparing his equipment on the table next to where Mariko was sitting. The tools themselves had given her some comfort since they were not too intrusive. After the doctor had finished fiddling around with his tools he sat down in a chair and turned his attention to Miyako. "I am going to do some initial assessment first." The doctor asked for information on her condition and when she started to feel ill. The whole thing was incredibly frustrating for Mariko since there was something far more important going on that could affect the lives of all the people she cared about. The whole situation seemed to have constrained her ability to do anything to effectively ensure a positive outcome. Sweat continued to accumulate and drip down Mariko's face. As Mariko raised her head to wipe the sweat away her mom took notice and asked, "What's wrong?" Mariko replied immediately, "It is just a bit stuffy in here that's all." The hoarseness of her voice was easily heard by everyone in the room. Mariko saw the doctor's eyes slightly wide before writing something down. "Those are probably some sort of medical notes." Mariko thought to herself before she took a deep breath and calmed down. "If I am stuck here then there is no point stressing over something I can control. I guess it is up to Ai now." Mariko's train of thought was derailed by a small headache that had been developing all morning.

The doctor was slightly stunned by the child's proficiency in Japanese. "It is quite unusual for a child of her age to speak in the manner that she does." He thought to himself while writing his notes. As he turned his attention back to Miyako to ask for more information a slight moment coming from Mariko's direction caught his attention. The girl had lifted her hand up to her head and clutched her head slightly. "I should speed up this preliminary questioning." With that thought out of the way he sped up the process.

Mariko did not particularly mind all of the tests that the doctor had performed. It was only when the doctor wanted to take a blood sample to test for whatever they were looking for that the uneasiness started. She had hated the idea of getting her blood drawn by a medical device. In her previous life he had attained many many different degrees of injuries that had drawn blood, but he had always hated the syringe. He always rather the doctors take blood from a paper cut then stick him with a syringe. Though obviously they always use the syringe since it provides a clean sample. For all her fretting over the process of getting her blood drawn it really did not hurt at all. The doctor then told Mariko that he would measure her blood pressure. All of this really didn't seem to correlate with the fact that she just had the flu but Mariko was not the medical professional in this situation so she obliged.

The strap on her arm was slowly applying pressure. When the machine finally stopped Mariko could see the doctor looking perplexed at the results before turning his attention back to her. "I will ask some questions and you will answer to the best of your ability." Mariko just nodded at the doctor's words. "Before you got sick did you ever feel tired?" Mariko had to think about how to respond. If she said that she felt tired then the doctor might jump to the wrong conclusion. Setting on a reply Mariko said, "Yes, I did start feeling tired, but that was just a result of a bad sleep schedule." The doctor seemed to nod thoughtfully as he started another line of questioning, "What causes this disruption of your sleep schedule?" At this Mariko was silent. She did not really know. A lot of factors could have contributed to her lack of sleep but to pin down one thing was borderline impossible. So she decided to lie. It would not be the first time, and it sure would not be the last. "I was just very excited about certain events coming up that made it hard to sleep." Mariko said.

The question continued until the doctor asked for her age. "3 half way to 4." Mariko once again said with little hesitation. "School?" The doctor's question gave Mariko pause. "I wouldn't want to go to preschool anyways. It's a dreadful waste of time and resources." With that response Mariko saw the doctor give a questioning look to her mom before he stood up and said. "The medication would boost your daughter's immune system. In 24 hours I will be contacting you about the results of the blood test." The doctor sighed audibly before continuing. "Saitou-san I have a few things I need to say to you outside." Mariko's watchful eye followed her mom and the doctor outside before the door closed leaving her alone in the room.

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