"It's seem you wake up "

Jhusun smriked looking at his son

Jk- " where iam now "
He said standing infront of the person who is his so called father

jhunsun chuckle looking at his son

"Hmm... you look exactly the same as me.."

Jk hand fisted

"You and me dont have any similarity.. "

Jhunsun chuckle

" feisty  "

" how did I came here and which place is this... listen Iam not afraid of you dont think iam weak.. let me go or else it won't be good for you "

"Woo you are daring i like it.. but i dont like your behaviour.. seems like i have to teach you how to behave with your father "

"FATHER MY FOOT.. you are not my arhhhh "

Jhunsun dont like the way jk shouted at him

"Next time if you dare to raise your voice infront of me... i will cut your tongue"

Jk holding his head the pain inside increases making him difficult to stand up

Jhunsun smriked satisfactorily staring at his trueblood son who is whimpering in pain

Coming closer to his son enjoying seeing the painful expressions of jk

"You are my slave.. you will follow my orders.. "

He said facing the younger when Jk spilt at his face

"Iam not your slave "

"You bastard how dare you.. I was thinking of killing you after taking my powers back but now I will make you regret doing this..
 you love your mate right..
Then I will make your mate's life hell "

Jhunsun yell  loudly pulling his son hair tightly

Jk feel anger rose inside not liking the way jhunsun bringing his mate between,

he spend his remaining energy using his powers pushing the monster away

"Dont you dare to bring my mate"

This made jhunsun more angry

"You are really a dismanner child..You will be the one who will killed your mate with your own hand "

Jk-" in your dreams. "

"You were asking how did you come here..
now let me answer  you came here by your own self  you know how because I can control you..
After taking your powers I will fully control your mind.. and then I will make you killed your own mate.. this will be your real punishment for messing with me"

Jk-"its not possible I can never killed my tae.. I can neve- "

"Really you can't... then who stabbed your mate.. your mate is in the hospital right.."

Jk shook his head in disbelief

"It was just "

"It was not a incident it was me who make you hit your mate.. i will do it again "

Jk facial expressions change he gulped down in fear if he can hurt tae once he can do it again too

"Dont do this.. please.. you wanted me... take me.. but leave my mate he has nothing to do with you  "

"thats like my son"

Jhunsun moved his head absorbing jungkook like manique

"Kneel down infront of me.. and rubbed your nose on the ground asked for your forgiven.. I will leave your mate's life "

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