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Leader kim -

"What..? (Shock) "

Tae -"iam telling the truth dad.. I have killed Jackson with my own hand "

Leader kim -"you know Jackson was the next leader of this pack.. and if you are find guilty you will be displease from the pack "

Tae -"I know.. this is what I wanted "

Leader kim -"you wanted to live like rogues.. you know what are saying.. are you even aware about the consequences "

Tae -"I know either i will be kick out from the pack or death penalty "

Kim -"still you did this.. okay leave it.. no one will know that you are behind this iam saving you for the last time "

Tae -" but what if I said I want others to know that I did it "

Mr kim shocked

"Whats going in your mind tae  "

Tae -"after I will displease from the pack ...  no one will doubt it.. then me and jungkook will leave this pack and started living somewhere else as you had decided "

Mr kim -"you are unbelievable "

Tae -"iam going.. I have lot of work to do "

Mr kim -"Tae "

Tae turn back

"Is it true that you are rejecting jungkook "

Tae sighed not wanting to face this question

"It's true "

Kim -"there is no need to do this you know "

Tae -"its needed dad.. "

Kim -"okay you can go I will tried not to give you death penalty.. and make sure to find a pack for you and jungkook "

Tae nodded he had already plan this.. First he will kill Jackson leaving proof against him.. After he will find guilty for killing Jackson and will he punish..

He sure his father will not give him death penalty that means he will be displease from the pack .. this is the best idea in this way he and jungkook can leave the pack without making other doubtful..

Tae was thinking about tommorrow how will he face jungkook.. what will his reaction..

Bun.. my love.. I know you are in pain.. don't hate me if I reject you tommorrow..

I love you..
Even if your mate rejected you..

But you will be mine... mine forever

I hope you are doing well bun..
Your Tae wants to meet you so bad.. but what can he do.. he is helpless..
Your Tae is helpless bunny..

Please forgive your besty

Tae was feeling so helpless he  wanted to meet his mate.. he was missing his bun.. but he know he cant do this.. he have to wait...

He was on way to his room when he saw jimin coming towards him

"What are you doing here "

Jimin -"Tae..  I want to inform you something about jk.. "

Tae -"I don't want to talk about this anymore "

Jimin -"I know you are lying just listen to me first.. it's urgent related to jk health "

Tae -" hurry up I dont have time " (scared inside thinking of jk health )

Jimin -" jk is hallucinating things he is imagining you killing him and behaving abnormal "

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