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"Sorry for what hyung "

Jin -
"I know u will not take it lightly after this.. i just hope u can forgive me
Jungkook.. "

Jk - "what is it hyung i didn't understand "

"it was me and my mom because of whom tae get his heat before time..... we did it because
We thought you are not good enough for taehyung..
He can find a better mate..."

Jin's words were triggering Jk... specially when he said find better mate...

He clenched his jaw in anger remembering all the things happen

How much his mate suffered in his rut alone..
V became angry and even left him alone

"And lily was also send by us..."

jin again said hesitatedly

Until now jungkook was controlling himself from not brusting out but when jin said lily was also send by them he lose it..

Breathing heavily closing his eyes making his hand fist tightly

"Why did you send lily when my mate was in his rut... "

Jk said in his deep voice something which shiver jin

".wannnt...lily..to mate..tae..."

Jin was so nervous looking at jk aura

Jk opened his eyes glaring at his most dangerous look

Jin started shivering at jk's hostile glare

His omega instinct was telling him that he was in danger

Before he could react
Jk shoved him backward screaming

"How could you do that "

Jin was banged with the wall harshly

With his deadly glare he stepped towards jin who was in the ground shivering in fear

"Jung...kooik..pllleeesssee leaaeevee meee.. arhhhh...
For..giveee.... mee..eeerrr"

HOW COULD YOU..!!!!!! "

(He Shove his hand angrily breaking the things around him with his power)

The fact that the person is front of him plot against him and his mate, is killing him from inside

He harshly grabbed jin hair making jin face him

... Whyyyyyyy "

Jin shivering under jk grip

"Jungggkk arhhh itss wass..
not...my..plllaaann... its

Jin was so fearful and scared that he unconscious say such things and regret it immediately

Leaving whipping omega Jungkook stormed out of the room ..

Jin immediately called namjoon telling him about what had happened

He was scared , jk have powers
And now he is going to killed his mom..
He scolded himself for bringing his mom in jk target


Meanwhile jk made his way to mrs kim room
his eyes shooting laser... throwing everything and everyone  coming in his way

He reached mrs kim room where he was stoped by guards
It didnt take time for jk to throwed them away from his way

Kicking the door with force making a thud sound gaining mrs kim attention

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