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With sope

As plan.. yoongi and jhope help namjoon and jin to reach the underground route ...

"Now iam relief. .. we did it without getting caught.

What happen you are looking stress"

"Iam just worried for them.. that underground route was abundened from many years... what if the route was block... "

"Don't worry if this happens namjoon will return back.. "

Yoongi nodded

Mr kim
I went to meet jin.. wanting to see my son... dont know how he must be managing there...
Iam sorry jin.. instead of protecting you.. your father tries to killed you..
Mr kim went to the place jin was kept.. to his surprise jin was not there

He called his guards but none of them knows where jin went

"Sorry to say leader last time Kim namjoon came to meet him.. "
Mr. Kim, seething with anger, confronted a trembling Yoongi and J-Hope, demanding to know the whereabouts of Jin and Namjoon.

"Where is Jin and Namjoon? If you want their forgiveness, speak up!" he shouted.

J-Hope, visibly frightened, stammered out the truth, "Leader, they... they ran away."

Mr. Kim, shocked and enraged that his own son had escaped, sought answers on how they had evaded his prison so effortlessly.

"How did they escape? Where are they now? Tell me now!" he thundered, fixing an intense gaze on Yoongi.

Suga, meeting J-Hope's eyes,

While Mr kim warned them, "Don't push me . It won't end well for either of you"

J-Hope, nervously, began to explain, "They escaped through the underground way."

Mr. Kim, utterly taken aback, exclaimed,

"What?! Do they want to die? Why that route? Don't you all know it's unsafe? Oh, God! Why is this happening?"

Mr kim said and run away from there going towards the underground way followed by sope..

He was in shocked he dont want anyone to used that route...

If that route opens.. it can be dangerous for everyone..

With namjin

namjoon and jin were trying to run away through the underground route. ....

I some how convince jin .. now we are going towards the underground way..

As yoongi said this route was closed for so many years... iam afraid what if we can't find a way ..

When we enters this route there was
nothing but darkness

Thank god we have torch with us..

this place is so scary... I swear i will never used this route again..
We move further..

as far as my senses could reach there were only silence ...It was not that kind of silence that soothes you or makes you think. It was the kind of silence that made you feel that you were being watched constantly.

I was scared , feeling some unknown vibes... which was around the way..

jin hold tightly and said

"Nam... r u sure this place is not hunted ... iam not getting a good vibes"

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