Atlast she call her witch friend for help


"Senior please leave me..
I need to go.. it's urgent "

Senior witches were treating her while she was requesting to go as she was worried for jk and even hobi doesn't pick up her call..

Senior with sighs

"Fine.. be careful "

There are so many thing confusing y/n she was worried for her mother.. and also for jungkook too.. without wasting anytime she rushed to taekook apartment she was unaware of the thing happened earlier as jhope hasn't inform her about anything..

She grasp when she saw jhope , jimin and yoonmin laying on the ground badly injured

"Oh my god!!! Hobiiii "


A trueblood alpha has double the power of alpha

Tae wound heal very faster due to his wolf power

But tae was still unconscious he should have wake up till now
Mrs kim , leader kim were worried for their son they couldn't stop themselves asking doctor about tae health

"Leader please can you all leave the patient alone.. it's my request "

Mrs kim -" doctor what happen to tae.. is he okay.. why he is not waking up "

Doctor -"luna.. no need to worried trueblood taehyung is fine iam surprise to see his wolf seems to very active... I think the another trueblood who was with him first was his mate.. because of whom he is recovering very fast.. where is he.. I will suggest you to call him here.. patient wolf need his mate for faster recovery "

Mrs kim rolled her eyes on doctor

"If tae needs his mate help then why are you here doctor.. just make my son well "

She brusted out on the doctor but mr kim again stop her

Kim -" sorry for her behavior she is not in her right mind"

Doctor -" no it's okay I can understand.. It was just a suggestion.. he will be recovered soon until tommorrow don't worry "

Saying this doctor went away

Namjoon -" Leader.. can I called jungkook here.. "

Namjoon suggested to called jk as he was tae mate in his presence tae can recovered fast.. but Mrs kim doesn't like this idea

Mrs kim -" are you crazy namjoon.. that witch son will not come here.. its my order "

She shouted at Namjoon for suggesting this while mr kim was noticing her behavior

Mr kim -" Alpha namjoon I order you to call jungkook here "

Mrs kim was shocked with her husband so she protested telling leader kim not to do so

Mr kim -" why you don't want me to call jungkook.. didn't you hear what doctor says.. Tae need his mate "

Mrs kim -" he is not going to come here "

Mr kim -"so for you these things matter more than your son health but for me nothing is more important than tae "

Mrs kim -" what do you mean by that.. Tae is my son.. I care for him "

Mr kim -" thats the reason you are not agreeing for jungkook even after knowing he can cure tae.. this shows your selfish side "

Mr kim was really upset with luna behavior after what he hear how she behave with jungkook the way she was provoking the younger to summit his father.. The way she was refusing to call jk even after knowing it can help tae

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