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The ambiance in Shawn's room transformed into a warm embrace, courtesy of the soulful melodies emanating from the music he played. While Bryant and Ally were just sitting and listening Shawn was mostly focused on the keys and playing with his own voice trying to impress both his friend and his sister who, for the first time, was paying attention to his music.

From time to time Ally was glancing at Bryant hoping that he would look back at her but he was to absorbed into the songs his best friend was playing. He felt every word as if they were his own.

Shawn's lyrics were meaningful and taught Bryant more about his friend. Through them he got a glance of his mind and heart. Most of the stories he was telling were new to him even though he thought he knew Shawn better.

Kate softly knocked and opened the bedroom door mildly looking at the three kids.

"I think it's time to stop the music so we can go to bed. We're going to work tomorrow." She almost whispered with her soft motherly voice.

"Oh. Sorry. It's my fault. I think I should go home." Bryant gets up from the bed.

"No, no, no! You are welcome to stay as long as you want. You're one of my kids too, but just keep it low. That's all."

"It's okay, I'll go. Thank you for the dinner and everything."

"You stay! I'll text your parents you'll be late so they won't be worried. When was the last time you and Shawn spent this much time together?" Kate spoke with her head through the door crack.

"Long time ago! I think you should stay for a little more." Shawn seemed excited.

"Okay fine. I'll stay!" Bryant curled his lips into a soft smile.

"Great! I'll text your mom right away!" Kate gently closed the door.

"I should go to sleep too. It's late. Bryant, let me know if I can help you figure things out. With your future." Ally's eyes seemed to close while she was talking.

When the two boys found themselves alone in the room Shawn couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

"Please, don't!" Bryant pointed his finger at Shawn.

"Come on it's funny. Crazy but funny. She likes you!"

"That's what I was afraid of."

"Why? She's your age, she's beautiful, she's nice. And I'm not saying all this just because she's my sister."

"She's all that and even more but..."

"I think you and my sister would make a powerful couple."

"Shawn... I don't..." Bryant chocked.

"It's okay, you don't like her now. Or maybe you don't wanna tell me, but so you know I wouldn't mind if you did."

Bryant had been wanting to tell Shawn something for a while, but he never found the right moment to do so. It was something that he had been hiding from his friend and just would make things easier between them if he knew. But still he was afraid. It was the perfect time. Though... he hesitated.

"Wouldn't make things difficult? What if we break up?" Bryant said trying to act normal.

"That would change nothing between me and you because I now you're a great person."

Pause. Silence. Bryant flushed red.

"I was thinking of stealing that fancy wine from downstairs so that we can finish it together." Shawn turned the page.

"I already feel the room spinning a little."

"Another glass of wine wouldn't hurt anybody."


In the soft glow of Shawn's room, he returned with a bottle of wine, pouring it into two glasses. The clink of glasses marked the beginning of an intimate exchange, as they settled into Shawn's bed, sipping and sharing thoughts about life.

Shawn, unaware of the depth of his emotions, felt a magnetic pull toward Bryant. The wine, acting as a subtle confidante, seemed to loosen the barriers around his heart.

"You know, life throws these unexpected moments at us. Like tonight, just sharing a quiet drink with a friend." Shawn broke the silence.

"Absolutely, Shawn. It's these simple moments that make life beautiful." Bryant, sensing Shawn's genuine connection, smiled and clinked glasses with him.

As they continued to talk, Bryant, though aware of his own feelings, chose to keep them veiled. The friendship they shared was precious, and he hesitated to disrupt its delicate balance.

"You're right, Shawn. Friends like you make the journey worthwhile. Cheers to that."

Bryant knew what he had gotten himself into by drinking more red wine with Shawn. He couldn't resist the temptation to pull himself closer to Shawn resting his head on his shoulder. Shawn had no reaction to that but Bryant could feel the heavy breath of his friend. They were both sweaty as the room was already warm. Shawn's arm went behind his friend's back and caught him into a hug.

"You have no idea how grateful I am we are friends." the wine made Shawn emotional.

"Oh... I am too."

Bryant, his gaze fixated on Shawn, felt a swell of emotions in response to those heartfelt words. Their eyes met, and in the silent language they had cultivated over time, a profound understanding passed between them.

The room seemed to hold its breath as their looks lingered, speaking volumes of unspoken emotions. It was a moment suspended in time, where the lines between friendship and something deeper blurred. In the quiet connection of their shared gaze, the uncharted territories of their feelings unfolded, leaving the air thick with the promise of something more, a silent acknowledgement that transcended the need for spoken words. They kissed. All of the sudden Bryant felt himself being pulled in his friend's lap. The kisses were soft but none of them pulled back. On the contrary, Shawn's hand was pulling Bryant closer to his chest. Shawn stopped and just kept looking into Bryant's eye.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." he said.

"It's okay. I shouldn't have... just don't worry." Bryant went back to sitting next to his friend rather than on him.

As the night went on neither of them said anything. Soon Shawn fell asleep and Bryant pulled the blanket over both of them as he rested his head next to his friend's.

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