The Vertress Conference - Part II

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Bianca instructed Riolu to use Arm Thrust, and Cameron countered by urging Riolu to dodge. Emboar attempted a Hammer Arm, but Riolu deftly thwarted it with a Circle Throw. The battle progressed with Riolu launching two consecutive Force Palms, knocking Emboar onto its stomach. However, this led to Emboar's quick recovery and a successful grab of Riolu's leg. It hurled Riolu across the battlefield.

After a resilient recovery, Riolu evaded Emboar's Flamethrower and cleverly used Copycat to redirect the attack right back at its opponent. Emboar, teetering on the edge of defeat, Cameron seized the moment. "Riolu! Use Vacuum Wave!" The move landed and triggered an explosive reaction.

When the dissipating smoke revealed the outcome, Emboar had fainted, marking Cameron as the victor. As a result, Bianca was brought to tears by her loss, while Cameron and Riolu celebrated their hard-earned victory.

"An amazing battle!" Ash exclaimed with genuine excitement. "I can't wait for my turn. Top 32, here I come!"

The Top 32 came and go in a breeze. Ash defeated his opponent with the use of Agni, who defeated the opponent's Darumaka using Headbutt of all things. Now that was a hilarious battle. Agni was having a blast dealing with the weaker pokemon early on. However, it was during the Top 16 when things turned serious. Ash had been selected to battle against Stephan in the first 3 in 3 battle. That will be a a good battle if I have anything to say about it.

The crowd buzzed with anticipation as the Top 16 of the Vertress Conference was about to begin. Stephan's choice was a Zebstrika, an electrically charged powerhouse. In response, Ash confidently summoned his Noivern, Bruce.

Stephan commanded Zebstrika to start with a Thunderbolt, an attack that Noivern nimbly evaded using his exceptional agility. Ash recognized the speed advantage of Zebstrika and knew he needed to devise a counterstrategy.

"Ash is testing the waters here," Cilan observed from the stands. "He knows Zebstrika's speed is a threat, so he's playing it safe for now."

Ash's strategy became evident as he directed Noivern to unleash a powerful Air Slash. The move struck Zebstrika squarely, causing him to recoil. To which Stephan swiftly responded with a Wild Charge, an electric attack that had the potential to deal severe damage. But Ash wasn't taken aback; he ordered Noivern to counter with an Acrobatics. Noivern's speed and power were on full display as he soared into the air, avoiding Zebstrika's Wild Charge. The Acrobatics move hit hard, leaving Zebstrika reeling.

"An amazing display of aerial acrobatics by Ash's Noivern," Professor Oak commented, thoroughly engaged in the battle.

Stephan recognized the dire situation and instructed Zebstrika to use Double Team. The move generated multiple illusory copies of Zebstrika, attempting to confuse Noivern. Stephan knew he needed to regain control of the battle. He urged Zebstrika to follow up with a Quick Attack. Zebstrika darted forward with remarkable speed.

"Boomburst! Deal with the copies first!" Ash commanded and in seconds only one Zeebstrika was left. A Zebstrika that was too close to Bruce, for Ash's liking. However, Ash had another move up his sleeve. "Bruce, use Dragon Rush!"

Bruce's Dragon Rush was a ferocious charge that collided head-on with Zebstrika's Quick Attack. The impact was intense, creating a shockwave felt throughout the stadium. In the end, Zebstrika faltered and was unable to continue the battle.

"An impressive display of power," Drayden commented, as they all clapped for Ash's first win of the match. "That Dragon Rush turned the tide."

"That was an incredible battle," Delia said, beaming with pride for her son.

"Absolutely," Professor Oak concurred. "Ash's strategic thinking and Bruce's agility and strength were on full display. What a thrilling battle!"

The crowd was on the edge of their seats, anticipating the next move in the intense battle between Ash and Stephan. Stephan had just recalled his defeated Zebstrika and sent out his next pokemon, Liepard, a cunning and agile Dark-type pokemon. Ash with Bruce still on the battlefield, was ready for the next round. The two trainers locked their eyes, and the tension in the stadium was palpable.

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