Ever After

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Yasss the WEDDING--

This short film is so funny-- I love Pascal and Maximus' chaotic energy together

Also, I have a surprise for you at the end of the chapter in the author's note <3




The very same lush forrest of Corona comes into view, flowers now blossoming on some of the bushes scattered around and the trees still tall and huddled close together, casting shadows along the grassy terrain. On one of the tree trunks was a poster, however, instead of the wanted poster that was there before, it was a wedding invitation poster for Faunus and (Y/N)!

This... is the story of the best. Day. Of. My. Life! Or-- well, ours! Right, sunshine?

A low, fond chuckle could be heard.

Every day with you is the best day of my life, my Lady.

(Y/N) clicks her tongue, softly 'Aww'-ing.

Such a sweet talker!

Only for you, (Y/N).

She laughs warmly in response, sighing with content as the scene shifts to the beautifully decorated kingdom of Corona.

This was the biggest party to hit the kingdom in quite a long time!

People worked quickly with excited smiles as they set up tables and floral decorations around, some children laughing giddily as they race around chasing each other.

A royal carriage sat patiently outside, the golden designs and sun reflecting off the morning light and some people gathered around it, admiring it as the coachman wipes off some dirt with his handkerchief.

Everyone was eager to see their handsome prince on this magical day!

Some musicians play for the crowd, a man tuning his violin as he gently plays a note as another man plays the lute.

A musing hum was heard.

And their lovely new princess! Honestly, I think the only people who were more thrilled than us were my parents and them! They all really love you.

Fionette excitedly calls to the people as she gestures to her baked goods, the cookies decorated with the silhouettes of Faunus and (Y/N) and the cakes decorated with tiny lanterns along the tiers, a small figurine of (Y/N) and Faunus in a boat on the top holding hands.

They love us, my sunshine. Not just me!

(Y/N) firmly responds, her words laced with her smile.


Faunus blissfully repeats, smiling in a happy daze.

Two men work together to hang up a large banner between two twin buildings, (Y/N) and Faunus stitched onto the fabric with the sun symbols of Corona around them.

Our wedding was a dream come true. But... I'm not surprised. You've always had a way with helping my dreams become a reality.

Oh, stop!

(Y/N) laughs a bit bashfully.

I'm only saying the truth, my darling! Everything was perfect. It was a magical day, and everything went just as we had planned.

A large crowd of townspeople was gathered around the palace courtyard and along the grand staircases on either side leading inside, some guards stationed around.

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