Secrets and Doubt

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I find it interesting how like, fast Gothel ages during the film

I would've thought the magic made her young for a few days a least, but I guess she's sort of like a... decaying corpse? I don't know how else to explain LMAO-- because she ages hella fast and it's weird, so I figured her body just starts to rot like almost instantly after she's rejuvenated by Rapunzel.


Gaslighting, manipulative son of a-- (censored)




The faded logo of the Snuggly Duckling was pained on a trap door leading into a hallowed out tree, the sound of men coughing audible inside. Gothel stands with his back pressed against a nearby boulder, his dagger in his hand and his cloak hood over his head.

He slowly emerges and approaches with a dangerous scowl, the trap door pushed open after a few attempts.

Bran pulls himself out with wheezing breaths, coughing and hacking as he collapses onto his hands on the ground. Gothel's eyes widen in surprise before he quickly backs up, hiding behind a boulder to his right as he watches. Bran forces himself up as he staggers a bit, catching himself on the tree root as Rhett rises with panting breaths.

"I'll kill her! I'll kill that wench!" Bran spits venomously, Rhett nodding silently in agreement,

Gothel's eyebrow raises at this, his thoughts drifting back to the woman on the wanted poster as he connects the two.

"She's going back to the kingdom," Bran continues as he rises, "We'll cut her off, and get back the crown. Come on!"

Bran starts to walk with Rhett in tow, both scowling furiously.


They freeze at the sound of a man's voice calling to them, making them turn around quickly.

Gothel stands on the boulder he had been hiding behind, hood down and revealing his slightly graying hair and pale skin. "Perhaps you want to stop acting like wild beasts chasing their tails, and think for a moment?"

He holds up (Y/N)'s satchel with a smug smirk, eyes narrowed down at the two.

Bran and Rhett both gasp in surprise at the sight before their expressions harden into scowls, both unsheathing their swords.

Gothel rolls his eyes at this, sneering. "Oh, please. Unsurprising you have no manners at all..." he murmurs before clearing his throat, speaking loud and clear. "There's no need for that, gentlemen."

He tosses the satchel at Bran, who drops his sword as he catches it. Bran tries to open it, Rhett launching himself at Bran and attempting to snatch the satchel from him as both fight over it. Bran shoves Rhett away with his shoulder, reaching in and pulling the crown out with a wide smirk, Rhett relaxing with a wicked smile.

"Well! If that was all you desire, then be on your way!" Gothel says with a musing tone, waving his hand in a shooing motion. "I was going to offer you something worth 1,000 crowns. Would've made you both rich beyond belief, and that wasn't even the best part!" he lets out a wry chuckle, "Ah, well! C'est la vie. Enjoy your crown!"

Bran looks down at the crown in his hand, frowning as he looks back to Gothel.

"What's the best part?"

Gothel smirks, holding up the wanted poster of (Y/N).

"It comes with revenge on your little friend here," he says in a sing song, gesturing to the poster with his other hand.

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