The Snuggly Duckling

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I love Maximus LMAO-- He's so funny for what—

Oh, I changed Hook Hand's name-- I'm sorry but I cannot take him seriously with that name. It's like Patchy and Sideburns for the  Stabbington brothers-- couldn't they have been a little more creative 😭 I named him Muriel (Still lowkey goofy but ¯\_()_/¯ ah well) and renamed Big Nose Dale. I kept Shorty's name, because it's funny LMAO--

Also! I did change the lyrics just a tinnnyyy bit for (Y/N)'s part :D ❤️ Hope you like it!




Maximus sniffs aggressively along the grass, still attempting to catch a hint of (Y/N)'s scent as he walks forward in quick, short steps. He stops when he comes across a tree, glancing up before snorting and jumping at the sight of a wanted poster.

He squints his eyes, ears swiveling back as he leans closer to observe the wanted poster of (Y/N).

Maximus pictures her face under the hood, lowly growling. His eyes widen in realization before he snarls, grabbing the poster with his teeth and neighing loudly as he chews it into tiny pieces before pouting.

A twig snapping makes his ear perk up, his eyes widening as he nickers. He sniffs the air, ears flattening back as he quickly rushes forward.

He lowers himself, crawling across the grass and towards a large boulder. He grabs a nearby branch of the tree, pulling it down for cover. Together, the boulder and tree ironically create a horse figure, Maximus neighing a low chuckle as he hides behind them.

Footsteps approach, Maximus neighing menacingly as he leaps over the boulder, a triumphant smile on his face.

Gothel lets out a startled gasp as he recoils back, Maximus' ears drooping as he sighs with a sputter.

"Ugh," Gothel dusts himself off, rolling his eyes in disgust. "A palace horse."

His eyes widen as his face pales, realization striking him as he observes the saddle.

"Where's your rider?" he whispers in horror, turning to look over his shoulder. "Faunus."

His breathing picks up, "Faunus!!"

Maximus neighs with confusion, tilting his head as the man takes off running, dropping his basket.


Gothel staggers as he runs through the tunnel, the tall tower coming into view and the sky darkening a bit as clouds start to block out the sun above.

"Faunus!" Gothel shouts as he reaches the tower, smiling hysterically. "Let down your hair!"

He receives no response.

"Faunus?!" Gothel wrings his hands anxiously, waiting for a moment and again met with no response.

Gothel's eyes were wide with terror as he runs around the tower's base, panting heavily as he approaches a doorway blocked with rocks and vines. He rips the vines off hastily, grunting as he begins to tear away at the rocks in the door frame.


He slams into the hidden trap door, knocking the floor tile loose and sliding it to the side before climbing inside the dark tower.

Gothel looks around frantically, his breathing coming out in panicked, short bursts.

"Faunus?!" he shouts, looking to the stairs and racing up them.

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