Into the Woods

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Are ya ready to get decked by a frying pan--




(Y/N)'s wanted poster stands out on a tree, the Stabbington brothers' poster beneath hers. Bran and Rhett race past the tree as (Y/N) runs in a light jog, glancing back and frowning when she notices the guards had started to lose them.

"Oh, wow, I am so so tired!" (Y/N) exclaims loudly, panting dramatically as she leans her hand against the tree. "Tiring work, stealing. Whoo, I am so very tired."

Bran rolls his eyes in annoyance as he pants lightly, bracing himself on his knees as Rhett does the same.

(Y/N) lowers her hood and looks at the poster on the tree, a light sigh leaving her as she rips it off and looks over it. "Well, I guess I won't be wearing this cloak anymore."

Her eyes flick towards the brothers' poster.

"You know, maybe you should've worn masks or something to cover your identity," she calls in an obnoxious voice, gesturing to the poster. "You two aren't that bright, are you? Shame."

(Y/N)'s eyes flick to the question marks on the bottom of the poster, then trail back up to the title. "Hey-o! I'm wanted alive! They don't care if you're dead or not, but me? They like me."

"Who cares?" Bran demands breathlessly, standing upright.

"Ooh, touchy touchy," (Y/N) muses as she smirks, holding her hands up in mock surrender.

A horse neighing makes her head snap to the source, her hand coming up as she swiftly yanks her hood over her head. Just after she does, the Captain of the guard on his horse Maximus, as well as four other guards on horses, come into view on the ledge above, Maximus neighing as he turns and leads them down to the left.

"Okay, time to go!" (Y/N) stuffs the wanted poster into her satchel, turning and dashing ahead as Bran and Rhett scramble to follow.

(Y/N) leads them through the woods, leaping over thick tree roots and ducking under low tree branches as she shoves through some of the thin leaves. The area starts to get boxed in by small, rocky cliffs on either side of them, (Y/N) skidding to a stop in front of a dead end as the brothers do the same, looking at the cliff with wide eyes. (Y/N) grins at the opportunity, quickly forcing her expression to a serious one as she sighs in mock irritation.

"All right," (Y/N) dusts off her hands, turning to the two as she settles her hands on her hips. "Give me a boost, and I'll pull you up."

Bran and Rhett look to one another, Rhett's eye narrowing as he shakes his head once.

Bran's eyes flick back to (Y/N) as he holds his hand out. "Give us the satchel first."

(Y/N) exclaims in protest, setting a hand on her heart. "Ouch! I'm wounded! You're seriously saying that after all these ridiculous stunts, after blackmailing me for months, that you don't trust me?"

She pouts, looking up at them with puppy dog eyes as she clasps the satchel strap.

The two brothers only glare silently in response, making her facade fall as she deadpans.

"Fair enough," she grumbles, unhooking her satchel strap over her head and plopping it onto his outstretched hand.


(Y/N) climbs up the two Stabbington brothers, Bran standing on Rhett's shoulders with his hands braced against the cliffside. She presses her boot against Bran's face, roughly stepping upward as he winces and nearly loses his balance.

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