Gothel turns back, sneering as he yanks his cape free while turning to Faunus. "Our secret will die with her."

(Y/N)'s hand falls to the ground as she struggles to catch her breath, curling up a bit as she holds her side painfully. Faunus releases muffled protests as Gothel approaches him, untying the chain from around the pillar.

"And as for us..."

Gothel struggles to hold Faunus back, Faunus instantly yanking with all his strength when he feels the chains slacken. Gothel pulls the chain back with both hands, Faunus fighting him as he tries to reach (Y/N).

Pascal emerges from his hiding spot with wide eyes, his face hardening as he charges at Gothel.

"We are going... where no one will ever find you again!" Gothel speaks through gritted teeth, grunting with effort as he pulls Faunus towards the trap door.

Faunus yanks away from him, tripping a bit as he continues to try to get to (Y/N). Pascal snarls as he bites onto Gothel's cape, tugging on it. Gothel looks down in surprise, scowling as he grunts and kicks away the chameleon.

Pascal squeaks in pain as he hits the wall, landing on the carpeted ground.

"Faunus, really!" Gothel snarls as he pulls Faunus towards the trap door, Faunus looking at it with terror before he pulls against Gothel roughly. "Enough already!"

Faunus doesn't let up, fighting against Gothel.

"Stop... fighting me!"

Faunus lunges away from Gothel, his gag falling down with the jerked action as he lands on his hip while angled away from him.

"No!" Faunus roars, pulling against the chains as he glares up at Gothel. "I won't stop, for every minute for the rest of my life, I will fight!"

His chest heaves with anger, Gothel glaring down at him as he pulls the chain.

"I will never stop trying to get away from you!" Faunus shouts powerfully, his breathing calming a bit as his expression softens. "But... But if you let me save her, I will go with you."

Gothel's brow arches at this, his eyes squinting suspiciously.

"Don't--" (Y/N) gasps and winces, struggling to keep her eyes open. "Don't, Faunus!"

Pascal weakly rises, looking to Faunus as he speaks.

"I will never run, I'll never try to escape," Faunus speaks honestly, shaking his head. "Just let me heal her, and you and I will be together-- forever! Just like you want. Everything will be the way it was!"

He looks up at Gothel with pleading eyes, voice thick with emotion.

"I promise."

Pascal lets out a gasp at his words, squeaking sadly.

"Just like you want," Faunus breathes heavily, his eyes darting towards (Y/N) before he looks back up to Gothel. "Just... let me... heal her," he enunciates his words firmly.

Gothel looks down at him with a glare, though it softens a bit as he slowly nods.


(Y/N) was now leaning against the pillar while on the ground, Gothel clasping the chain that had previously been on Faunus around her wrist before he loops it around the staircase pillar and ties it securely.

"In case you get any ideas about following us," he lowly says, throwing her hand down as she winces.

(Y/N) coughs weakly as she tries to grab at him, Gothel rising as he walks away. She cries out in pain, her hand dropping and holding her side.

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