Zumi: Daddy, are you okay?

Izuku's face darkened for a second before a soft smile crossed his lips.

Izuku: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. What are you doing up, Zumi?

Zumi: I was waiting for you to come home.

Izuku frowned for a second before returning to his smile as he patted his lap making Zumi run towards him and laying her head down on his lap with a smile. Izuku began to caress the top of her head as he hummed a lullaby, it didn't take long for her to be out like a light. Izuku continued to hum as he picked her up and took her to her bed. He wishes he could be better.


*The Next Day*

It was broad daylight with Izuku using a pair of binoculars, currently, he was spying on another smuggling ring with them held up in some laundromat. He had just dropped off Zumi at school so he had a few hours until he had to pick her up. Izuku froze as his instincts alerted him to something off behind him. Izuku dodged to the left with a lean, a feminine hand barely missed him and Izuku reacted by grabbing the hand by the wrist. Hooded Green eyes met narrowed brown eyes, at one point these two could be considered best friends and in some lives something more, but now they were just strangers again.

Izuku: Uravity? What's the occasion?

Uravity: For the murder of 18 people and several other crimes, you are under arrest Red Hood!

Izuku: Huh? I've killed way more than that.

Uravity growled as she front-kicked Izuku in the stomach pushing them apart and forcing Izuku to let her wrist go. Izuku pulled out his handgun firing several shots at her aiming to kill, but his eyes widened when she placed her hands on the roof activating her quirk, and lifted the piece to block the shots. Uravity then punched the slab towards Izuku at the same moment she deactivated her quirk causing the slab to rocket at Izuku with intense speed. Izuku hummed as he hoistered his gun punching the slab into pieces, Izuku's eyes widened as Uravity was behind the slab using it as cover to reach Izuku. 

She reached again towards Izuku which resulted in him grabbing her wrist again, and throwing a punch towards her face, but she dropped low and went for a leg sweep which he jumped over and tried to pull her up to elbow her face. Uravity caught the elbow making a pink glow surround Izuku as Uravity pulled him up for a judo throw, right before Izuku made contact with the floor, Uravity released her quirk to double the damage.

Izuku however landed on his feet in a stance similar to a hip thrust making Uravity's eyes widen. 

Izuku: 'From what my memories show back in the day she needed to touch her finger pads together to deactivate her quirk, which took about 3 seconds. Now she can do it whenever she feels like it, truly a deep increase in quirk control and strength. She definitely deserves to be in the Top 10, but that's not enough against me.'

Izuku let go of her wrist and grabbed her from her legs pulling her off her feet and then kicking her while she was in midair knocking her back. However, something fell out of her gauntlet as she skidded against the floor. Izuku's attention was entirely on the little plush making him kneel down and pick it up. Uravity struggled to get up holding her stomach until panic filled her as she saw the Red Hood holding her beloved keepsake. A small keychain of the old Hero Deku's costume in chibi form.

Uravity: Give that back!

Izuku: The Hero student Deku? Why carry the memory of a dead man from so long ago?

Uravity: Because he was my best friend! Now give it back!

Uravity began running at Izuku with a pink glow surrounding her, negating her gravity and allowing her to go faster. Izuku pulled out his gun firing several shots at her but she didn't stop at all dodging them barely but never stopping. As if she was desperate to reach the Izuku, no, to reach the plush.

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