Faunus reaches up, unlooping his hair from around her head before looking towards Pascal. Pascal croaks as he pads over, climbing up (Y/N)'s leg and up her arm. He eyes her suspiciously on her shoulder, squeaking as he looks to Faunus.

Pascal motions to the beams above, Faunus looking up before slowly nodding with a small frown.


Faunus drags the chair forward into a sun-lit spotlight, remaining in his hiding place as Pascal remains glaring at the side of (Y/N)'s face. He croaks lowly, raising a hand and backhanding her cheek with a soft slap before curling into a ball on her shoulder, changing into the shade of brown her dress was.

He squeaks with an irritated look when she doesn't stir, rising and slapping her cheek with his tail twice. Nothing.

Croaking, Pascal pokes his tail aggressively against her cheek. Still nothing.

With confusion, Pascal turns to face her once more, eyes narrowing as he angles his head upwards. His mouth opens, his tongue swiftly launching into her ear.

(Y/N)'s eyes snap open as she wakes with a startled yelp as she jumps, Pascal screaming as he was bounced off her shoulder.

"What the?! Huh-- I..." (Y/N) blinks rapidly as she looks around the tower. "Where..."

She trails off, attempting to rise with confusion clear on her face as her eyebrows furrow.

(Y/N) looks down in alarm when she was unable to move, her limbs straining against her binds before she pauses, deeply frowning at the sight of what seemed like human hair keeping her restrained.

"Wait..." she squints as she leans forward a bit, her eyes trailing along the golden hair as she tries to follow it to the source. "Is... this... hair...?"

The hair chaining her to the chair led upwards, some residing on an inside balcony and leading up to the wooden beams above, the area dark with shadows.

"Struggling-- Struggling is pointless!"

(Y/N)'s expression hardens a bit when a male voice firmly speaks, though there was a slight hint of fear to it as it wavers. (Y/N) follows the dark figure with her eyes as Faunus clambers down the beams, hiding behind a bundled curtain.

"I know why you're here, and I'm not afraid of you!" Faunus tries to yell confidently, voice wavering just a bit.

(Y/N)'s face softens with confusion, her eyes squinting. "Huh?"

Faunus steels his nerves, taking a few deep breaths as he slowly walks forward into the light. (Y/N) was caught off guard at the sight of him, her mouth parting a bit in awe as she looks over his face. He had fair skin with faded freckles littering his nose, his hair a bright shade of blond and, obviously, long. But what stood out to her were his eyes; they were filled with fear, yet confidence. Fascination, but hesitance.

She also notices the frying pan in his hand, making her brow raise.

"Ah, so you hit me on the head with that," she murmurs to herself, pleasantly surprised to find she was experiencing no head pains at all.

"Who are you... and how did you find me?" Faunus slowly demands, taking a step forward as he glares at her with sharp eyes.

"Uh..." (Y/N) drags the word, blinking slowly.

Faunus steps forward once more, enunciating his words as he wields the frying pan in a threatening manner. "Who are you, and how did you find me?"

"Okay!" (Y/N) lifts her fingers to imitate raising her hands in surrender. "Okay, no need for violence here. But to be honest with you, good sir, I have no idea where here even is, or who you are. And... sorry," she turns her head, looking away. "I don't give my name out so easily."

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