Father Knows Best

Start from the beginning

Faunus awkwardly laughs, a tense smile on his face. "All right... um, so... Father?"

Gothel approaches the tall mirror, observing his reflection thoughtfully.

"As you know, uh, tomorrow is a really very big day--"

"Faunus, look here," Gothel cuts Faunus off, beckoning him closer to his side. "Do you see that?"

Faunus frowns with confusion. "See... what?"

"That there," Gothel nods towards the mirror. "Can't see it? I do. There stands a strong, confident, handsome young man."

Faunus' face brightens at his praise, Gothel's eyes shifting to him in the mirror.

"Oh! And there you are, too!"

Faunus' face drops, Gothel howling with laughter as he shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

"Oh, come now! I'm just teasing you! Stop taking everything I say so seriously," Gothel chastises, his frown deepening as he runs a hand along his face, noticing the wrinkles.

He notices some spots on the back of his hand as well, making him scowl.

"O--kay..." Faunus clears his throat, shaking his head. "So, Father, as I was saying, tomorrow--"

"Faunus," Gothel once again cuts him off, Faunus wincing as he frowns. "Your good old Father is feeling a bit worn out and tired. Why don't you sing for me? Then we'll talk."

Faunus perks up at this, nodding. "Of course, father!"

Gothel's eyes narrow at his enthusiasm, Faunus racing to grab Gothel's chair. He sets it down and angles it just right as Gothel walks over, watching Faunus rush around. Faunus grabs himself a low stool, setting it down in front of Gothel's chair and grabbing Gothel's arm.

Blinking in surprise as he was forced to sit, Gothel jumps as a brush was forced into his hand, Faunus gathering some of his hair and placing it on Gothel's lap as he quickly sits down.

"Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine--" Faunus sings quickly, his hair glowing the brilliant gold as his magic activates.

"Wait-- wait!" Gothel stammers out with wide eyes, caught off guard.

Faunus ignores this, continuing to sing rapidly with shut eyes. "Heal what has been hurt, change the Fates' design, save what has been lost!"

Gothel frantically begins to brush through Faunus' hair.

"Bring back what once was mine!"

Faunus finishes, the wave of magic sweeping over Gothel and making him young once more, hair blackened and wrinkles gone.

"Faunus!" Gothel scolds as he lowers the brush, giving him a pointed look.

"So, Father!" Faunus eagerly speaks as he rises, beaming as he leans his hands on the arm of the chair as Gothel leans back with a raised brow. "Earlier I was saying tomorrow is a pretty big day, and you didn't really respond, so I'm just going to tell you, it's my Birthday!"

Gothel recoils a bit as Faunus laughs and punches his shoulder in a joking manner.

"And there it is! The... important thing I was going to tell you," Faunus grins widely.

Gothel hums a bit, shaking his head. "No, no, that's impossible! I remember very clearly your Birthday was last year."

"Birthdays are funny like that!" Faunus laughs nervously, shrugging. "They happen every year."

Gothel gives him an amused smile, watching as Faunus sighs and sits back down on the stool.

"Father, listen. I'm turning 18, and I wanted to ask..." Faunus sighs as he looks away from Gothel, "What I really want for this birthday..."

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