"Wow!" HyukJae exclaimed as the two men walked into the airport. "This place is huge!"

"You've never been to an airport before?" DongHae chuckled.

"No!" HyukJae looked around. "I've seen airports on T.V. but never in real life!"

DongHae took HyukJae's bag along with his and brought them over to checkout. "You can look at the airport all you want when we come back. We have to catch a plane now." he laughed and took HyukJae's hand.

HyukJae pouted and nodded.

After they passed airport security, they made their way to their gate to board the plane. There was still half an hour left until the plane's arrival but DongHae did not want to push it too close.

"Are you scared?" DongHae asked HyukJae as he saw the boy look out the window and stare at the plane in shocked. He's never been this close to airplanes before.

"N-no!" HyukJae whipped his head around and yelled. He looked around to find a few passengers chuckling at him as well.


"I'm not! HyukJae exclaimed again. He wished the two girls behind them would stop giggling at him and staring at DongHae. It pissed him off.

DongHae grabbed his hand again. "It's time for us to board!" he smiled.

"W-what?" HyukJae lookd at him and looked at the security guard guarding the way out to the airplane.

DongHae pulled him forward while HyukJae subconsciously pulled back. "W-wait. I need to go to the bathroom."

"There are bathrooms in the plane."

"I need to buy food."

"They have food there too."

"I- need too-!"

"LET'S GO ALREADY, YOU BABY!" DongHae tugged HyukJae hard as they reached the top stair of the airplane and entered. HyukJae was frozen since everything from sitting down into their seats and the plane taking off seemed like a blur. Before he knew it, they were already flying. He was wondering how DongHae couldn't hear him screaming internally as he has to handle staying in this one spot for the next 10 - 12 Hours.

It's already been four hours and the younger boy still was scared of the plane, the boy didn't even dare to move and continued to just stare at the seat in front of him, to scared to look out with window to see how high up they were. Thank you DongHae for letting HyukJae have the seat that is letting him have panic attacks . The younger blond even have been holding his pee in for quite awhile now . Once in awhile the plane will shake randomly, causing HyukJae to tightly close his eyes . He looked over to his left seeing the brunette sleeping peacefully in his chair .

" good for you DongHae , your sleeping so nicely while I'm here getting tortured , thank you so much... " HyukJae mumbled to himself in sarcasm , quietly.

" fuck , I really need to use the bathroom, it's either I embarrass myself by going here or I stop acting like a baby and just go to the washroom at the end of the walkway " HyukJae said to himself . He fisted his jeans and nodded his head in confidence . He slowly stood up and tried sneaking his way pass DongHae . Once he got one leg over him he heard the older man make a noise that sound like he was moaning. The blond turned his head to see a sleepy DongHae turning his head.

" he's moaning? " the younger boy whispered to himself . Suddenly other quiet moan escaped DongHaes lips and the elder slowly opened his seeing HyukJae in front of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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