Silky Wings (Mothman)

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(Warning for ovipostion)

Crackling blue flames were the only source of light in dark forest, and huddled close to the campfire was Priya, a human druid. She had been separated from her party, and lost in the woods, she decided to set up camp. She sighed, "Bunch of dicks they are." She stood up, going into her tent and rooting through her bag to get out her sleeping bag and med kit.

She set up her sleeping bag and left the tent, sitting by the fire which illuminated her. One could see her clearly now. She was fairly tall and slender, with brown skin covered in scars with a head of long, thin black hair. Her brown eyes glowed in the blue fire, as she had to look up at it to keep the spell running.

She pulled off her leather chest armor, then pulled up the sleeve of her undershirt to reveal a nasty gash on her arm. She took out a few of the magic berries she created earlier, squeezing the juice into the wound, wincing at first, but the healing magic caused the wound to slowly close.

As she watched the wound close, a large shadow suddenly cast over her. She turned around, looking up to see a giant moth-like creature in front of her. The creature's body was completely black, with huge wings at least ten feet wide. It had a scarf of dark gray neck fluff and large gray antennae. The creature was at least twelve feet tall, nearly double Priya's height. It had an extra pair of arms, both sets long and lanky. But out of all of those traits, the most noticeable was the pair of huge red eyes the creature had.

"H-hello?" Priya said quietly. The antennae of the moth creature drooped in response. It seemed to have picked up the scent of something. Priya went to stand up, trying to tell if she had any way of communicating with the creature. The creature leaned down, its face nearly at the same level as hers. The creature stared into Priya's eyes, its feathery antennae twitching and pointing towards her.

"What do you want?" The druid asked, flicking her eyes back towards the flames. "Did you want to see the lights?" She asked, motioning towards the fire. She prayed her animal communication skills would be enough to figure this out.

The moth looked over at the flames, grabbing onto Priya's arm, and it began to make its way over. "Wait! Wait, what are you doing?" She cried out, not knowing the intentions of the moth creature and feared she would be thrown into the flames before she had time to put them out.

The creature seemed to notice her distress, picking her up instead. She was suddenly being princess carried in the arms of a monster. Priya hadn't been picked up like this before. Sure, her party's barbarian could pick her up, but he's a half-elf. They were super close in height. She was much smaller than this moth though, she felt more vulnerable.

As she was held by the creature, now sitting by the fire, she also recognized something. There was a smell coming from the creature. It was the same as the berries! The creature was excreting pheromones. It must've smelled the berry juice.

"Does it think I'm another moth? No... maybe it just likes the light and the smell." She thought, but after a little while in the creature's arms, as she had started to get drowsy from the warmth of the flames and the fuzzy monster, Priya felt something hot and slimy against her thighs.



Priya sat up, the dwindling flames bursting back to life as she opened her eyes fully. The creature noticed her struggling and, in response, just held her closer.

"N-no! Wait!"

She squirmed more, and the creature leaned in, opening its mouth, which was previously hidden by fuzz, revealing a long, gray tongue. It pressed a kiss to Priya's lips, the long tongue entering her mouth, she squirmed for a little, flustered and whimpering before finally melting under the relentless affection as the creature's tongue pushed up against hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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