Chapter 24 | Burn For You

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✵Laughter and desire intertwined— Symphony of pleasure✵

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Laughter and desire intertwined— Symphony of pleasure

🦋•Chapter Twenty-Four•🦋

"I'm scared," Y/N sobbed, clinging tightly to Jungkook. It was a dark night, and as usual, Jungkook had secretly climbed up to her bedroom. No one knew he was here, breaking every mafia rule just to be with his girlfriend.

"Why are you scared? It's just a few years, baby," he sighed softly, gently stroking her back. He kissed her neck to help calm her down while she held onto him tightly and let out her tears.

Y/N couldn't imagine her life without Jungkook, even if it meant being apart for a few years. She was used to calling him first thing in the morning, preparing his favorite breakfast, and having lunch together in the school cafeteria.

The thought of living without her lover for some years seemed daunting and empty, as if life had no purpose. She had admired Jungkook from afar for so long, and now that he was hers, she was afraid to let him go.

She feared that if she let go now, she might lose him in the future.

"Stop, my butterfly. You're brave. Crying doesn't suit you, my blue butterfly," he softly whispered, holding onto her trembling shoulders.

She stepped back, sniffing as she looked at her lover. He was smiling gently, his beautiful bunny grin lighting up his face. After all, he was her Adonis bunny. She didn't understand why she felt so burdened by the news of his departure to the U.S.

She hated that his mafia leader training was in the U.S.

Y/N didn't realize it, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she might lose Jungkook if he went too far away from her. Maybe it was because she loved him with all her heart and wasn't ready to let him go for a few years. Oh, how she wished she could go with him. But these foolish mafia traditions stood in her way. If she broke any more mafia rules than she already had, it could put her family in danger. Moreover, her intended marriage to Jungkook in the future might be at risk as well.

"Promise me that you'll marry me as soon as you become the mafia leader. Don't even wait for a second. If I resist or act foolish, make me do whatever it takes, but make me yours," she pleaded, her voice filled with tears. Her hand trembled as she cupped his soft cheeks and kissed them in desperation.

"I promise I will marry you as soon as I become the mafia leader," he said softly and seriously, holding onto her wrists.

"And... and promise that you'll come to see me first when you return from the U.S. No one but me. Only me, just me," she added, sobbing. He chuckled and nodded in agreement to her pleas.

"I promise, baby, and you know I never break my promises," he said gently.

Y/N kissed him on tiptoes, pouring all her love into the kiss. "And... and we'll stay in touch no matter what," she said against his lips. He chuckled and nodded. "Okay, now shut up and kiss me properly," he said, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closer.

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