Then the cheer leader go back to her previous spot to practice a few more minutes.

As the last rays of daylight filtered through the gymnasium windows, Jimin's form seemed to blur with the speed of her movements. Every twist and turn was executed with a grace that spoke of countless hours of practice and unwavering determination.

Her body moved in perfect harmony, each muscle flexing and extending with precision. The smooth lines of her figure were a testament to her physical prowess, a demonstration of the strength and agility that lay beneath the surface.

Jeno watched in silent admiration, his eyes tracing the fluidity of her motions. There was a mesmerizing quality to the way she moved, a captivating dance of athleticism and artistry.

He couldn't help but be drawn in, appreciating not only the beauty of her performance, but also the sheer dedication that fueled every step and leap. It was a sight to behold. He can't help but smirk, enjoying the sight a little bit too much.

As Jimin finally came to a graceful stop, her breaths measured and steady. Earning an applause, she turned to face the source of the applause, Jeno, a glimmer of satisfaction in her eyes. She had given her all in that practice session, leaving a piece of herself on the gymnasium floor.

The quiet hum of the school grounds was a stark contrast to the energy that had filled the gymnasium just moments ago. Jimin and Jeno walked side by side, the fading sunlight casting shadows across their path.

As they continued their walk, conversation flowed easily between them. They touched on various topics, from school to shared interests. Then, inevitably, the subject of their impromptu competition at the arcade arose.

"You know, that gun shooting game was quite the challenge," Jeno remarked, recalling their playful rivalry.

Jimin's expression brightened. "It was! You're a tough opponent, Jeno. It was fun. I still remember how NingNing and Wonyou-"

As she spoke, her words caught in her throat for a split second. She had almost forgotten about the brief mention of Wonyoung. She mentally chided herself for bringing up her, fearing it might stir uncomfortable emotions.

To her surprise, Jeno's response was delivered with a calm, nonchalant tone. "Oh, don't worry about Wonyoung. We're not together anymore."

Jimin's eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't expected Jeno to address the topic so casually. It was clear he was unbothered as the playboy he is.

They continued their walk, the air around them thick with a quiet intimacy. It was a moment suspended in time, where words were unnecessary, and the electricity in the air spoke volumes.

With every step they took, their hands would occasionally brush against each other, sending a subtle jolt of electricity through the girl.

Her heart would skip a beat, and a warm flush would spread across her cheeks. It was a sensation that she couldn't quite contain, a fluttering excitement that danced beneath her skin.

Jeno, observant as ever, couldn't help but notice her reactions. He stole a glance at her, his lips quirking into a silent smirk. He found her endearing, the way her eyes would momentarily widen, the delicate blush that graced her cheeks. It was a small yet powerful reminder of the unspoken connection that seemed to hum between them.

The night air hung around them, a gentle breeze carrying with it a sense of quietude. They had arrived at Karina's doorstep, a small pause in their journey.

As they prepared to part ways, Jeno's hand extended, his fingers gently grazing Jimin's head. It was a soft, tender touch, a gesture that sent a ripple of warmth through her. Her heart seemed to skip a beat, the blush that painted her cheeks a silent testament to the effect Jeno had on her.

"Sleep well," Jeno murmured, his voice carrying a quiet sincerity.

The girl met his gaze, her eyes reflecting the depth of their shared moment. It was a simple phrase, but it held a world of sentiment. She felt a fluttering in her chest, a subtle acknowledgment of the connection that was growing between them.

As Jeno turned to leave, a soft smile played at the corners of his lips. He felt a quiet sense of pride swell within him. He had made her blush, and in that small victory, he found a sense of comfort and closeness that he couldn't quite put into words.


Author's note:

Can't believe I managed to update this chapter on time. LOL.

Please do not hesitate to leave your thoughts. 

Do you think things are going too slow? 

Is there anything you want me to change or improve?

Complains will also be appreciated. So, please do leave some of your opinion in the comment or you also can dm me.

Hope you enjoy reading!!


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