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Yn pov
"Why the hell did you press the close button??" I asked Teahyung when the lift got closed.
"Oh no , I went to press open but accidentally I pressed close".
I slapped on my forehead and then realised that Zara will turn off the lift now . So , it will be only me and Taehyung . It's not a bad idea right? I can tease him.
Soon , the lift stopped.
"Why did it stop? It's still on the 2nd floor , it has to go to the 4th floor right? I pressed on the 4th button only, still why did it stop? And why it's not opening the door-"
"God!! Will you be quiet? The lift got struck". I said cutting Taehyung words
"Haa , it was all my plan".
"Your plan?".
"Leave it , let me call Zara to turn it on ". I opened my phone and saw no signal . Shit !! Why I didn't think about this!! God , what should I do now? Wait a damn minute, why am I getting nervous? I mean , isn't it good that only me and Taehyung got stuck in the lift? I turned to see Taehyung who was busy in checking something in the lift buttons. He wore black shirt and formal pants. Damn he looks hot !! I really wanna hold his neck and kiss him right now . Yn!!! What the hell are you even thinking!! Come back to reality.
"What should we do now?". He asked me . I really want to give him some spicy replies. I thought for some seconds.
"Let's do some 'we shouldn't be doing this' things". He looked at me in confusion for a moment then realised what I said. Small smirk plastered on his face.
"What kind of things are you telling?".
"I want to kiss your stupid face".
"Ok then kiss me".
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!! I turned my face towards the door . I wasn't expecting that answer from him.
"Ohh ,yeah you can't do that right because you have a fiance now. I mean you're engaged right".
Ahhh!! I thought to tease but he's teasing me!!
"Yeah yeah , I have a fiance now . So , I can't do anything with you".
He just chuckled.
"And yeah! Don't forget to come to our marriage okay. It will be next month".
"Oh really?? Why so soon?". Is he being sarcastic?
"That was my father's decision".
"Finally what I said became true".
"What you said?".
"I told you na , you'll forget me and marry the man who your dad will chose for you?".
"You think I'm that cheap?"
"You just proved it".
" Can I kill you right now?".
"Hahaha I know you're evil".
"It's hot".
"Go fuck yourself ".
"Fuck me yourself you coward ".
"Are you challenging me?".
"Yes , because you can never do that".
"You want me to prove". He slowly came towards me . Shit!! my heartbeat skipped. I was facing the door , he came and stood back of me. He slowly went near my fingers and started to brush his hands from my finger to shoulder. I feel an electric shock. Yn !! Control!! You are strong!! He has done this kind of thing in dance practice. But now, I feel
Kind of different. I feel my whole body firing .
Zara, where the hell are you?? Turn on the damn lift !!I lost it when he then slowly brought his hand on my neck. He's playing hard to make me turn towards me. But Yn will never fall for that.
"You challenged me to fuck you. But now , you're shivering just for my fingers ?".
I didn't say anything. He slowly came towards my ears and brushed his lips on it . Shit!! He's making me crazy!!
"Now tell me, you want him or me?".
He slowly back hugged me . Wait !! Kim freaking Taehyung?? My crush?? My Drug??Back Hugged me??
"Tell me Yn ? Please, why do I get jealous when you hold his hand ? I shouldn't be jealous right? You're not even mine . So , tell me you want him or me?".
I broke his hug and turned towards him.
"Why should I select you? You literally treated me like shit front of everyone. Even when I begged you for love , you didn't accept me . Now , you are telling me to select between you and Jimin? like how can you think that I'll pick you?".
"I never told you but I was indeed falling in love. But my past kept me traumatised which is why I didn't tell you".
"What's your past? I really wanna know?Why the hell do you hate rich people?? Just why?? Who made you hate me?? ".
"Father. Yes , my father. He-"
Before he could complete the lift door opened. Jimin , Jungkook and Zara were standing outside.
"Yn , you okay?" Jimin came to check on me.
"I'm fine , Jimin". I said.
We walked out. I held Taehyung's hand.
"We still have more to talk about, right?" I said and dragged him with me.
"Yn , where are you taking me?"
I took him to the auditorium, it was empty and dark.
"Now , complete what you were telling, Taehyung".
"My dad was from a rich family and married my mom who's from a middle class family. It was a love marriage. My grandparents were against the marriage and warned my mom not to believe rich kids . But still they got married without telling their parents . Even my dad's parents didn't accept the marriage . My mom and dad built a small house for themselves and lived happily without anyone. Even they had me . Everything was fine until I turned 12 . That day , when I came happily home from school my mom and dad were fighting, my mom was crying like hell . It's my first time seeing her cry like that . I heard my dad telling me that he wants divorce from my mom. I slowly hid myself next to the wall and heard what they were talking about.
"You want divorce?".
"Yes, I can't live like this anymore. I was a person who never slept on the floor , maybe you have experience but I don't. I can't compensate anymore. I was cheating on you . She's a rich girl, I even have a child with her .My mom called me yesterday and said If I marry that girl she'll allow me to house. So , I want a divorce so that I can marry her"
"What about our kid?"
"Kid? You can take him if you want. He's always a mom's son . So , you can have him. I don't want to take him with my new wife".
"So , you want to leave us? Really?".
"Yes , our relationship ends here . Don't show my face anymore. Don't come to my house and blackmail me . Because you know I have money I can easily make you go to jail then your poor son will be alone. So , better lead your life without messing with me. Good bye".
He went , he literally went when my mom was crying hard . I was also crying seeing my mom cry . I don't know what to do now. I felt terrible. The only person whom I can share that with now was my best friend Jimin . So I ran to him , I saw him on the terrace of his house talking with his few friends. I was about to run to him but stopped when I heard him telling..
"Taehyung? I don't like him . I'm just with him because he's good at studies. How can I be friend with him ? He's poor. His house is not even half of my house".
Betrayal, that's when I decided I hate these rich people. I don't want to be with them.
I was stunned by his words.I didn't know what to say. He really got hurt a lot , I can't believe Jimin said that. I mean yeah they were just 12 but still he has no right to talk about someone like that. Now I know why Taehyung hates Jimin so much. He's not wrong though , even if I was in his place I would do the same. How can he not when literally got heartbroken from his father and came to share with his best friend and got heartbroken from him too . I really want to go back to when Taehyung was 12 and hugged him tightly at that time. I can't do that , but I can hug now right?
I ran to him and hugged him tightly.
I felt like crying, I mean my Taehyung is hiding so many things in his cold face all I thought was his emotionless . I never thought he had this much big story . I'm embarrassed about myself.
"Why are you crying?" He asked while wrapped his hand on my waist.
"Im-I'm sorry".
"Why are you sorry?".
"I didn't know you were this much hurt . I only thought about myself, I didn't know you had this much terrible story for hating me".
"I was not hating you Yn".
"Yeah , but you hate me because I'm rich".
"I was scared , I was scared that what if you also leave me for a rich boy. I didn't want to become heartbroken again , so I only planned to not date any rich girls. Whenever you said you'll leave your big mansion for me all I thought was my dad , even he left his house for my mom but what happened? He got bored of living in that house and went back. I didn't want that to happen again".
"I can't say that I'll never do that because I know you won't believe me after what all happened and I understand that . But Taehyung, can you give me one chance to prove myself that I'm not like your dad? Taehyung, don't worry I'll never unlove you . If you think I'm cheating on you or if I say I don't want to live with you and want to marry any other man, you have the right to kill me at that spot-" before I could complete his soft lips landed on mine.
Our tears touched our lips. He then slowly broke the kiss and joined his forehead on mine .
"You love me?" I asked him.
"I don't want to".
"But you do".
"I do".
"I need the words Boo Bear".
"For that first you need to throw the ring on your hand, I hate that".
"It's just ring Taehyung".
"Whatever remove that" I just laughed so hard and removed it.
"Fuck Yn , I love you". He was about to kiss me again but I pulled out.
"I still have so much work to do".
"What work?" He asked me in confusion.
" I'll tell you afterwards" I said and ran outside.
Zara , Jimin and Jungkook were standing outside.
"Jimin, you know Taehyung's dad's name?".
"it's…I forget wait let me's haa it's kim Jin young. Why?".
"Nothing , don't tell Taehyung that I asked his dad's name. Jungkook please don't ".
He nodded.
I went away from them and called my dad.
"Hello dad".
"Hey pumpkin? What happened? You're in college right?".
"Yes , dad . I want a little help".
"Help? Darling you just order me ".
"I want information about Kim Jin young, I Guess he's also a rich businessman like you ".
"Oh Kim Jin young ha? I know him very well , his company is under me only".
"Really dad!??? Then it's great ".
"Yeah , one time he said that his son studies in your college only ".
Son? After all did such things he have the right to call Taehyung 'his son'?
"Yes dad it's Taehyung".
"Taehyung? Taehyung is his son?".
"Unfortunately yes dad".
"But he said another name".
"Yeah , pumpkin it's not Taehyung. If it's Taehyung I would have told you na. It's not Taehyung.. it's something from S …Sai ? Sam? Or San? Yes it's San... His only son".
San? He's his son? So , San is Taehyung's stepbrother? That's why he hates Taehyung?
"Thank you dad.. I'll call you later".
I turned towards Jungkook , already everybody was staring at me , including Taehyung.
"Where's San?".
"San? Probably in class, "Jungkook said.
I ran to class , Taehyung called me but I didn't stop.
I entered the class and saw San sitting in his place . I went near him and he woke up seeing me.
"Yn why what happened?" Taehyung came and stood beside me and asked. But I kept my eyes on San.
"You knew right?". I asked San.
"That Taehyung's dad is your dad. Taehyung is your stepbrother". He chuckled.
"Wow, how did you find out?".

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