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Jimin pov
We had a free period, so we're just chilling in class. Y/n's friend Zara came running to me from outside.
"Y/n! Y/n got hurt!".
"Yes , Taehyung took her to the first aid room".
That's it, I ran towards the first aid room . I went to see Taehyung standing outside. I tried to go inside but Taehyung held my hand .
"She's getting treated, don't go".
"What happened to her?"
"She got hit by ball on ankle "
"Who did?"
"It was mistake"
"You did ?"
"No , But-"
"Ella," Zara said.
"So I was not mistake"
"Jimin!! It's not like that , it was really a mistake-" Taehyung was about to tell.
"Stfu!! If something happens to her , I'll kill you. Get out now".
"I'll check her and-"
"No , I don't want you to be here. Get out!" . He went .
I felt someone coming out of the room . I turned to see Y/n.
"Y/n , you okay? Why did you come? How's your leg? Want me to lift you?".
"Oh oh Jimin chillax , nothing to worry about . It's not painful , I can walk".
"Really? Are you sure?"
"Yeah , I just got a sprain , that's it. Nothing to worry".
"Hmm , you know right that Ella did this intentionally?" Zara asked her.
"Yeah , she did it because I scolded her in the cafeteria".
"Come let me scold her" Jimin held my hand.
"Jimin don't ".
"Y/n are you serious? I just gotta know we have a cultural fest next week , practice will start tomorrow. You can't dance in this state , she wantedly did this .I know ".
"Yeah but still scolding her that's changed anything".
"Then what will you do?"
"Y/n are you planning to still perform!? Zara asked.
"Nope, I'll just choreograph".
"Okay then , even I won't perform"
"No Zara , you should perform and you too Jimin , I already said lectures to give you solo dance".
"Solo? NOOOOO "
"Y/n , what's our dance theme?" Zara asked.
"Couple dance".

Taehyung pov
"What the hell did you do Ella!!!" I asked her, I knew she did that intentionally but I didn't want to scold her and make her feel bad . So , I thought of talking to her personally.
"I already told you it was not intentional".
"Ella , please I know you more than anyone and IT WAS INTENTIONAL".
"Taehyung, you don't believe me? You believe that Y/n is telling the truth than me? Y/n is more to you than me? You're my best friend not hers so you have to believe me". She started to cry. The only thing I hate is making a girl cry , I can't see them cry. Even if it's Y/n . Whenever I scold her or hurt her , if she's about to cry I'll stop. I can't see her cry, I feel my heart clenching.
"Look , Y/n didn't say anything about you. She didn't say you did it intentionally also . I just tried to tell you because you are my friend and I don't like my friend lying".
"I'm not lying Taehyung, it was- it was not intentionally " she started to cry out loud.
"Okay okay, fine don't cry". I rubbed her back.
After a few minutes she became okay.
"Taehyung will you leave me home?". I can but I don't know how Y/n is , how can I go home like nothing happened when she's literally in the first aid room because my friend.
" Actually Ella , I have some work in college".
"What work?" I thought for a second.
"From tomorrow practice is starting for the cultural fest right. To talk about that , I'm the main dancer in that couple dance which our class is performing ".
"Ohh really? You didn't tell me this". I just smiled.
"Then Taehyung, if you're the main dancer I'll be your partner right?" She said Making me shock.
"Ha? Ha ! Yeh yeah , it's you only ". Actually Sir told me my partner is y/n . Now she got ankle pian , I don't think she'll perform so Ella should only perform right.
"Okay , I'll meet you tomorrow. Bye". I waved to her and went back.
I went towards the first aid room, but she was not there. Maybe they went . Then I went towards our classroom , everybody was already home but the Y/n bag was still there . I saw her in the window , she was packing her bag. I was about to enter her room , then I saw Jimin with her. He was helping her , then they came outside. I hid myself behind the wall and followed them. Then got into the same car. Are they staying in the same home? How do they know each other? Mainly how does she know Jimin? Many are telling me they were childhood friends.  I never heard Jimin talking about a girl in front of me anytime.

Y/n pov
"You got an ankle sprain!!!??" Our sir asked. I'm in front of his cabin to tell that I can't participate in dance.
"Yes sir".
"Y/n , I told you right to be a main dancer?"
"Yeah , but I can still do the choreography right, sir. Any other girl can dance".
"Who's that other girl?"
" Zara, I'll make sure she give her best"
"Okay I trust you"
"Thank you sir".
I then went inside the auditorium where we should practise and saw Zara and Ella fighting. Rest of them were just standing, enjoying the drama.
"Y/n you came finally!! Look at her, you said I was the main dancer right? This Ella is sayin she be" Zara said.
"Ella , Zara is gonna be the main dancer. I already got approval from sir".
"No!! I'll be , otherwise Taehyung will not dance".
"Ella stop bringing Taehyung for everything ".
"No , he already said that he'll only perform if I'm her partner. Otherwise he won't ".
"He told you?"
"Ella but you don't know how to dance ".
"I know, there is still 1 week left . I can learn ".
"It's not about learning, it's about perfection. See I'm the one who's teaching you guys and I want synchronisation in everyone, so I don't want to take people who don't dance".
"Then you guys do it by yourself without Taehyung"..
"Okay then I'll be in place of Taehyung, you take your Taehyung and go somewhere ". I turned to see Jimin.
"Yes Y/n , if they have this kind of attitude we will be like this only. Dancer should dance with any partner they give , you can't pick a partner on your own". Jimin said.
"Comfort matters Jimin , and Taehyung get that from me". Ella said.
"Comfort? You think Taehyung will get comfortable being with you?"
"Yes , otherwise he wouldn't be with me for these many days ".
"Jimin, you can't be in this dance , you have to do it solo . You need a separate show for your talent " . I said.
"No buts , I already talked with sir to give you and Jungkook separate shows and he agreed. You guys prepare for that . I don't want to disturb you guys".
"Then give Taehyung also a solo dance. Anyhow you're not performing na , you asked sir to get him in your dance because you can be his partner. Now you have leg pain , you can't perform"
"But Jimin , I really want our class to perform a couple dance ".
"Then in exchange, I'll do a couple dances and make Taehyung do solo" .
"No , I won't do solo dance" . We saw Taehyung coming towards us.
"Taehyung! They don't want me to dance because I don't dance well . They are humiliating me" . Ella said.
"I'll dance only if Ella dances". He said, sh!t.
"And yeah I don't want any other partner other than Ella". He added .
"Taehyung-" Jimin was about to say something.
"Okay , Ella will be your partner, " I said. Making everyone shocked.
"And yeah Zara don't worry , I'll find you a good partner".
"Okay " she said , she always understands me.
"Now everyone get in your position and do some steps which I sent yesterday in group".
Yesterday I sent some steps which I already shooted 3 days back with Jimin.
It was a step where a boy and girl came from opposite sides and held each other's hands , then the girl turned 3 rounds and went near the boy , then he tolds her by waist and lift her. I did this with Jimin as a demo.
"Start" I said. Few danced correctly , Few tried to do , and other few didn't do atall in that Ella and Taehyung included. I turned off the song , it was a love story from Indila.
"You guys are really a mess , come now and do those steps one by one" . I called Taehyung and Ella first , because they're the main characters right?
"Ready! start!". Mess mess mess !!! Taehyung is doing perfectly but this Ella is making a mess , she's not turning right.
"Ella , please do it right". I told her. Even after 5 trials , she didn't do perfectly.
"ELLA !! IF YOU DON'T DO THIS PERFECTLY I'LL MAKE YOU GUYS TO STAND BACK AND I'LL BRING BEST ONE FRONT". I said seriously. Yes I was serious, I really thought about making Taehyung do solo dance as Jimin said. I don't want him to get messed up because of her.
I don't know what got into her this time. She was doing perfectly, now it's time to do 3 rounds. She tried to turn but fell down.
"WHAT HAPPENED?" everybody shouted. I ran to her worried and saw her ankle got twisted due to force. Karma is really a bitch.

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