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Taehyung pov
"Date?" I asked her in shock , I mean I never thought she would answer like this .
"Yes , let's go to a movie date" She said .
"No , let's go to home"
"Your home?"
"I'll go to my home and you go to yours".
"Which movie?" She danced in joy.
"Newly released movie , wait I'll book cab" she said and opened her phone. She booked tickets from a nearby theatre. Cab came within 10 minutes and we hopped on.
"Taehyung by the way ,why Jimin and San were fighting ? Why did San come to kill me?"
"San came to kill you?"
"Yes , you didn't see ? He came towards me with a knife ". I looked at her for a sec and bursted into laughter.
"Taehyung, what happened? OMG WAIT , IS JIMIN SAFE ? I DIDN'T CHECK ON HIM!! LEMME CALL-"
"Don't worry , he'll be fine".
"What do you mean?" I just smiled.

The song started , I heard everyone cheering, now we have to go to opposite sides and came slow walking. But she was still holding my hand , she was not leaving me . I looked at her in confusion , she looked into my eyes . Now, I got to know why she said, "Don't leave me" . She said that because she can't stand without my support , she'll fall if I leave her . Shit!! why did I even agree to dance when her condition is like this!! Why she's always like this!! If she wants to do it , she has to do it . I changed the choreography and started with holding her hand , everything went right , i didn't leave her hand anywhere . I literally changed the whole choreography on the spot , because I didn't dare to leave her hand. Song got over, I still didn't leave her hand . We heard everyone cheering and clapping. We bowed to the audience , lights went off . I quickly held her in bridal style and went backstage. Jimin was already standing backstage because his dance was next.
"I need your car key" I asked him because I can't take her to the hospital with my bike. I took her out and made her sit in the passenger seat.
"Taehyung?" She called me. I got on the driver's seat and started the engine.
"Yes!?" I asked.
"Don't take me anywhere, just take me home . I'm fine".
"Shut up" I said and started driving.
Soon I reached a nearby hospital, I picked her up in a bridal style and took her inside. They did some tests on her and told she's out of danger. They gave some tablets to take , I asked them if she needed to be admitted, they said no need . They said just to give her some rest.
"I told you , I'm fine," she said while I'm driving her home. She was showing me the route.
"Yeah yeah , that's why you performed very well without my support".
I stopped the car in front of her house.
"Want me to take you inside ?"
"You want to come to my room so bad?" She asked me, smirking . Aish this girl.
"Good night". I said , she got out and was about to go.
"Y/n wait!!" I said and got out.
"What? You miss me already? Wanna give a hug?" She stretched her hands. I placed her tablet cover on her hand.
"Take this" I said .she just hummed .
"Anyways , not gonna lie . You made it". I said.
"Not me Taehyung . We , WE MADE IT". I just smiled.
"Okay bye good night" she said and went inside.

I entered the college the next day and went near the locker. Did Y/n not come ? Hope she gets some rest today.
"Taehyung!!" Ella came near me running.
"Good morning Ella".
"Bad morning, where did you go yesterday? I searched you like hell. After your performance you just got invisible".
"That's a long story , I'll tell you afterwards".
"Okay, leave that. Taehyung, do you know what day it is today?"
"Today? What ?"
"TAEHYUNG!!! JIMIN AND SAN ARE FIGHTING" my classmate interrupted her words.
"'Come I'll show"
"Ella , you go to class . I'll be back".
I ran following him to see Jimin and his friends standing opposite the San gang .
"I told you for the nth time , I'm not the one who locked Y/n yesterday!! ". San said.
"Then who you bastard ". Jimin shouted.
"How can I know that? But god promise it's not me". He said. So , it was really not San? Then who? Who hates Y/n that much that they plan to kill her.
"I know it's you, don't tell lies," Jimin said.
"No bruh , I really don't hate her . Then why will I try to kill her? You know I loved her right?"
"You didn't love her , you pretended "
"Yes bruh , I did. But now , I'm changed. Look I even brought her a rose to wish her for valentine's day ". He removed something from his pocket , knife? Today is valentine's day?
"Rose ? It's a knife" Jimin asked.
"No no it's Rose , look " he opened the cap of the knife , it's Rose . It doesn't have a blade , it's Rose with a handle .
"Whatever, I'll not leave you to give her this". Jimin said.
"Who are you to tell that?" San asked.
"I already told you , I'm her fiance, " he said.
"Fiance?? I already got to know you were lying. You're just a friend to her , or her new chick ". He said.
"YOU!!!!" that's it Jimin gave a tight punch to him, then it turned to fight!!!
It's good Y/n is not coming today because somewhere I didn't like the idea of San bringing a gift to her for valentine's day . I mean she's not his girlfriend right , why did he bring that? Hope Y/n don't come today because I don't want him to give that.
I was lost in my thoughts when I heard someone saying Y/n came . I turned to see her standing in shock. San heard that and went running to her to give rose which is in the form of a knife . Her eyes widened . Wait, did she think that's a real knife and get scared? I took advantage of that and went towards her before San came . While coming I called Jungkook so that he can take care of this situation . He said he'll be there within 5 minutes. I held her hand and dragged her out. I don't know why I'm making her run , the thought of she was getting gifts from another man made me mad.
Flashback ends.

"WHAT!?? IT WAS NOT KNIFE?? IT WAS DAMN ROSE?" she shouted in the cab when she heard that.
"Fortunately yes".
"Shit!! So simply we ran miles ".
"Why ? If you knew it's Rose, would you have taken it ?".
"Yeah , why not. You know right , women love flowers" she said when she got down from the cab.
We went inside the theatre. I wanted to ask her which movie she's taking tickets to , but she was busy talking with Jimin while buying. I already got 30+ miss calls from Ella , I didn't dare to talk to her now . I'll talk to her after going home.
"Thank god , Jungkook went at the right time and ended the fight it seems," she said.
"Good , anyway, which movie are we watching right now?"
"My favourite movie , Nun 2".
"Nun ? It's - it's a ghost movie right?".
"Yeah , why are you scared?" She said smiling.
"Okay come lets go inside then".
We sat on our seats.. the movie Started. Will you guys believe me if I say I'm scared of ghosts ? Because I'M!! C'mon Taehyung act natural, you're not scared of ghosts. They're not true , it's just supernatural fiction. Don't shout , at least not in front of this girl.
"AHHHHHHHHHH" I shouted seeing that ghost , god who the fuck did her makeup?
"Taehyung? You're scared?".
"Me? Hahaha no , never".
"Then why did you shout?"
"Because…because, it's funny. I mean look at her makeup, it's so funny HAHAHAHAHA, she should get plastic surgery for sure HAHAHAHA". What the fuck are you even saying Taehyung!!.
"You want popcorn?" I changed the plate.
"Yeah" she started to take popcorn from my hand.
The movie Started to become more horror scene by scene , shit I can't even close my eyes in front of Y/n!! And this girl is not even blinking her eyes , Nun is her sister? I'll die out of this scary bgm , Mom!! Save me !!!.
Everything was going good ,but suddenly that idiot ghost came in front of the screen again .
"AHHHHHHH" I Shouted, then I felt something next to me . I turned to see a ghost!!!!
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" I Screamed!!!! And closed my eyes with my hands. Soon I heard laughter, I slowly removed my hands to see Y/n laughing. Did she? DID SHE PRANK ME??
"Taehyung, it was me , I just put my hair in front . I didn't know you're a scary cat".
"Scary cat , me? No no . I knew it was you , I just got along with you, that's it  . I never get scared of ghosts".
"Look there ".

"HAHAHAHAHA" She kept on laughing after that, even after the movie ended she's still laughing.
"Will you please stop laughing". She still didn't listen to me , God!! Why did I even agree to see a movie with this girl!!!
Now we're sitting in a restaurant to have food , we ordered our favourite food and ate nicely.
"So what's next ?" She asked me.
"What? Let's go home"
"Taehyung please, I really want to spend this day with you" I sighed.
"Then what next?" I asked her.
"You tell me , I mean movie date was my idea and you tell me your idea . Let's go to your favourite place ".
"I don't have any favourite place like that ".
"Taehyung seriously? Just think , any place where you went in childhood? Hmm? Hmm? You don't?".
I thought for a second , I know one place but should I really take her there? It's the place where me and Jimin used to go in childhood. After that incident I didn't go there . I wanna see how that place is now.
"Okay , I'll take you".
"Really!! Where??"

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