PART 1 : Smiling Faces.

Start from the beginning

"You will be anointed to be the next Queen after me and you're mum retires from our position which will be next month. I know that you are well aware of this, since we imformed you this last year and every single time we can remind you about this. Once you become the Queen, we will find you a husband to be the King which will rule by your side. I'm very sure that you are also aware about that, Marie."

The young brunette, now known as Marie, released a shaky sigh, quickly flopping herself onto the fluffy dark blue royal bed and burying her face into one of the multiple coloured pillows she had set up laying on her bed. She let out a another muffled sigh as if she's rethinking back every single thing what happened in her life. Her nails dug into the soft pillow as she curled up into a ball on the bed, feeling the gush of wind swim it's way along her smooth peach skin like butter, comforting her the slightest but not averting her from her thoughts.

Everything was moving way to fast for her, even though those words were been told a century away.

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Part 1.

Scene 2.

Smiling Faces.

"There you are Marie!"

The King greeted their daughter once she came striding through the glamorous wooden doors,her hair flowing behind her while her hands were folded tight against one and another Infront of her. The young brunette's hair was styled as the usual. She was wearing a dark pink maroon hairband on her head, black pearl earrings and light pink lipstick on her lips. Her cheeks were slightly pink on the side, covering up her freckles which was surprisingly, matching for her. She gave her parents a small, nervous smile as she took her sit beside her Mum, who smiled down at her with a calm look, her eye lids half open as she took in her daughters appearance. She smiled lovingly as she placed her hand ontop of her daughters hand, opening up her mouth to say something until the princess suddenly cut her off.

"I'm ready."

The Queen blinked silently, startled by her daughters sudden change and acceptance. If she knew her daughter more, she knew that Marie was stubborn with her everlasting faith on others, kind yet awkward at some point and never ceases to charm someone else with her beautiful personality. But recently, she's been weary about meeting her future husband and rulling the Kingdom with the Wandhander on her hands.  She turned to face her husband, who smiled as he placed his cup of tea down onto the table, his eyes twinkling as the light of the sun hit his eyes and bounced off like a mirror reflection. His face wasn't very old or wrinkly, but some strands of the hair was turning white and silver as the older The King grew.

He flashed Marie a soft smile as his blue crystal eyes gently stared into Marie's similar ones.
"Glad that youre ready dear. We were growing weary at the thought that you weren't ready yet for all of this. We know it's hard to take it in all, but I assure you, you will not have to go through this alone, Marie."

"You're father is right." The Queen continued. "The higher ups, you're friends and us, we will all be here to help you dearie.
But unfortunately, we won't be here for the
past 6 month-"

"What?" Marie quickly cut her mother off, her tone slightly high pitched as she snapped her head to stare at her mother in nervousness and worry. Her lips were set on a thin line as her big blue orbs stared into her mother's brown orbs, her hand immediately going to grip on her mother's hand which was ontop of hers.
"What do you mean by that Mum? Where are you guys going?"

"For a vacation...or a break, honey." Her father's gentle voice came from across the table, his eyes set on her as he smiled at the brunette reassuring. "You know that all these years me and your mother wasn't able to spend time together, or rest properly, so we decided to have a vacation for estimated
about 6 months..."

"...And you're telling me this now?"
Marie couldn't help but blurt out those words while the grip on her mother's hand losen. She couldn't help but feel...hurt.
Was it because they were telling this to her now, when they could had told her a few weeks ago so that she could had mentally prepared herself for this big occasion and her ruling the kingdom, all the while her parents aren't there to be with her on her side? While they're aren't here to flash her their smiles and encourage her? If she remembered properly, she's always the
' parent child ' among the 2 kingdoms in this world. She'd do anything to make them stay by her side so that she could be with them and spend time with them.

Her father's eyebrows ceased, a small frown making its way up to his face as his eyes dimmed a little at the question his beloved daughter asked softly in a hurt tone to them. Her mother caught the tone as well, which made her to frown while her hands reached up to take her daughters hands into hers. She cupped the brunette's face onto one of her hands, smiling down at her softly.
"We're so sorry, Marie. We didn't mean to..really." The Queen started. "We wanted to tell you this earlier, but we weren't so sure about that, so we kept quiet instead of scaring you to death. Now that it is confirmed, we have to tell you, for we've been waiting for to long."

The 3 sat in silence, Marie unable to say anything while the King and Queen looked at her with worry as they studied her stiff form. Her fingers played with the fabric of her gown, her lips pressed into a thin line as her eyes stared at her shoes in sadness.
Her parents are not going to be here to see her use the staff with their very own eyes, and that, hurts her. She knew that she must had atleast expected them both to go on to somewhere far away for a while just to take a break, but not this early, no, not so soon. But at the end of the day, they were going to go away soon,to spend time together for a while as they relax after some centuries of ruling over the kingdom without a single time to rest. 

Marie let out an audible sigh and looked up to face her parent, who were staring at her with concern and worry. She forced them a smile and nodded her head, silently speaking that she understood them and that she was going to be alright. Her parents smiled at her in relief, happy that they got a response from her which was positive.
Her mother took hold of her hand and squeeze it tightly with a smile on her face, her brown eyes shinning like the many stars in the night sky. Her mother looked at her in the eye and spoke with a gentle yet frim tone,"Don't worry Marie. We're leaving after you become Queen and given the staff. We'll send you a mentor to teach you how to use the staff and how to weild it. I'm sure you'll do great, honey."

"You indeed will." Her father agreed with her mother, sipping the tea silently as he observed the both. "Now dear, I want to see you smile. All of us, smile. "Her father gave them a soft smile, his eyes twinkling gently as he placed the cup down on the table."Everything is going to be fine, Marie. Trust the positive thoughts and avoid the negative thoughts." Her mother was quick to flash the both with her charming smile, her black plump lips softly shaping into a smile from ear to ear. Marie forced herself to smile like her parents, her hands below the table which was clutching her gown like her life depended on it. Sweets of nervousness covered her forehead, but it went unnoticed by her parents as she radiated off an almost fake confident aura with her eyebrows knitted together, a goofy grin slowly making its way on her face.

"Yes Dad, you're right. I can do it!"

No you can't, silly Marie. Her thoughts were fast enough to correct her nervous and weary frame as her parents got up to leave the table, her father looking at her as his mouth opened and closed as if he was talking to her. But she couldn't her him, all she could hear was her loud, obnoxious and nervous thoughts which was making her feel more paranoid and scared at every passing second.
You can't Marie. Not without them, your friends.

For some reason, her thoughts, for once, was saying something which made kinda sense to her.

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