"Alright Lillie. Ladies first." Ash said. Lillie stepped through the Wormhole as Ash and Gladion followed behind her with Lusamine.


"You kids are alright!" Faba shouted, pulling the two other blondes into a hug. "Man, you guys had me worried. You guys were gone for so long! But I kept that portal open the whole time, because I, Faba, do not lose faith!" Faba rambled.

"Waitwaitwait." Gladion interrupted. "We were gone for a long time?"

"Yeah!" Faba said. "You were in there for three whole days! It's March 20th!"

"There days!?" Lillie yelped. "It only felt like we were in there for a few hours!"

"I guess time just moves way slower in Ultra Space?" Ash guessed, before he suddenly gasped. "Oh crap! KUKUI! I told him I'd only be gone for a few hours!" Ash ran his hand through his hair, knocking his hat off center. He turned to Lillie and Gladion. "You guys are fine if I leave you here? I need to take Pikachu to Nurse Joy, send Charizard, Staraptor, and Noivern back to Professor Oak, then get back to Kukui asap!"

"Yeah, we've got this. Faba, mind giving me a hand taking Lusamine to her bad in the fourth floor?" Gladion said as he and Faba picked up Lusamine and took her away.

"Go, Ash, go." Lillie said, fixing his hat on his head. "You better go make sure Professor Kukui and Burnet aren't having a heart attack because you've been gone for so long. And..." she hesitated, before she quickly pecked Ash on the cheek. "...Thank you so much Ash."

Ash snapped out of his daze, giving Lillie a small, awkward smile before turning and running after Gladion and Faba to the elevator. Lillie turned to the Ultra Wormhole and the small machine underneath it. She took the fire extinguisher off the wall, and swung it down on the small machine the Ultra Wormhole came from, destroying it. She dusted off her hands, satisfied, before picking up the broken machine and leaving the room.


As Lillie waved bye to Ash as he flew away on Charizard. She pulled out the small Ultra Wormhole machine, her eyes glazing over the busted contraption. "Well? What now?"

Lillie turned to see Gladion walk up behind her. "Is Mom...?"

"She's in bed. Faba and Wicke are with her. She's in good hands." Gladion answered. "So? What are you gonna do with this thing?" Gladion asked, pointing to the broken machine.

Lillie looked at it, before she smiled, and chucked it as hard as she could into the water. "Busted, and now on the seafloor. No more Ultra Wormholes anymore." She said.

"Hmm." Gladion hummed. "Probably for the best. Anyways, Mom will be just fine now. You and I..." Gladion patted his sister on her shoulder. "...Should probably go check in on old Hobbes."

"Oh my god, he didn't know we'd be gone for so long either." Lillie gasped. "Poor Hobbes might be having a panic attack."

"Can't blame him if he is. Which is why we better go make sure he's fine. Come on, we'll take one of the boats." Gladion said.


Ash knocked on the door to Kukui's house. Kukui opened it after a moment and froze when he saw Ash and Pikachu. Ash, with a sheepish smile, pulled his hat off his head, holding it in front of his chest. "Hey Professor. Sorry I've been gone so long."

Kukui sighed like a load came off his chest. "Good to see you're okay, cousin. Had all three of us worried." He said as Burnet ran up and gave Ash a hug.

"Wait, all thre- uuff!" Ash asked before he got crushed by Burnet. Pikachu hopped off his shoulder to avoid the squeeze.

"Thank Arceus you're alive!" Burnet said. "Let's... not do that again. Please." She said as she let go of Ash. "For my mental health. And so I don't have to ever call Delia and tell her that... ugh I don't even want to think about it."

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