Chapter 13

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Before i begin this chapter I'd just like to say thank you for all the amazing nice comments you guys leave me

I feel really special when i read them, thanks :)


*Harry's POV*

Liam texted all of us that Zayn and Lou had gotten a ransom note and to meet him by some place called "Mickey's B Parties"

Me and Niall were the last ones to arrive.

When we got there, Carter was there. I hadnt noticed he left. Bailey was in hysterics and Liam had his arms around her. I walked over to them and Niall went to go talk to Lou and Zayn.

"So... what happened?" I asked to no one in particular and Liam looked at me

"We went to the bathroom, and left James with Andy. When we came back.. he wasnt there. Then Lou called me and told me about a note that a little girl had given them.." Liam looked down sadly and i ran my hand through my hair

"It's my fault," Bailey looked at me with her face full of tears and ruined make up "I should've never left him!" Liam patted her back,

"Nah Bails it's Andy's" Liam half smiled and Andy looked at him

"Hey! It's not my fa-.... Okay fine it is."

"What do we do now?" ZAyn put an arm around me and Liam sighed

"We should go to the police," NIall suggested and Liam shook his head

"Bailey doesn't want to expose James to the public yet." he sighed again "Theres only one thing to do.... do what the note says."

"Where are we going to get the money" Louis asked then smiled "Wait, nevermind. BUt isnt that a little too much for you to lose? Maybe we could all pitch in? 20,000 each? We could also ask Simon?"

"I suppose so," Liam said "But lets not ask Simon. He doesn't know yet."

"Wait," Bailey said "I have some of my college money saved up since i never went. About $12,000 I think."

"No it's okay we'll pay the ransom money, Bailey," Zayn smiled

"No. He's my son, I'll pay for some of it."

"We should probably go home now and plan this out," Liam said, standing up and we all agreed, happy that we were going home, hoping that tomorrow, would turn out great.

****Bailey's POV****

At around 6:20 we all got in the car feeling hopeful. We decided that Liam would be the one to leave the ransom money.We arent that stupid though, he wore a sweater, in one pocket his phone, in the other, three small walkie talkies with tape attached to the switches where you pushed to speak through. In the ransom money bag, was an old IPhone with everything deleted which we would use to track down the people who took James. We stopped the car a block away from the park and Liam pulled his hood up, grabbed the ransom money, and got out of the car so it would look like he came alone. He took the ransom note with him so he made sure he followed the directions.

Liam started walking and about after two minutes, I drove us ahead to around the area where the area of the merry go round was. To my surprise, There was only about four trees surrounding it. my job, was to get out of the car with a book and two walkie talkies while the boys hid in the back of the car with cameras with two other walkie talkies. I parked fairly close to what looked like the biggest tree and I walked out, saying bye to the boys, and sat down on a bench near the biggest tree. A few moments later, i saw Liam walk towards tree and drop the bag. He looked around for a while but then walked away. 

"Im heading towards the ice cream shop now, guys." I heard through tthe walkie talkie in my right pocket

I turned the page of my book not even reading one word and waited a few seconds before turning the page again. After a minute of sitting there, I saw someone dressed in black with a bookbag on their shoulders wander around near the big tree then look around suspiciously before pulling something out of their pocket and whispering something in. My heart started beating rapidly as i watched as they put their ear to the thing in their hand and looked at me quickly. I pretended to be looking at the sky then slowly brought my face to make eye contact with them. I realized it was a girl and i smiled and waved at her slightly. I saw relief in her eyes as she smiled and waved politely back. I lowered my head to the book but kept my eyes watchin. 

The girl knelt down next to the duffel bag, randomly picked up a dollar, held it up to the sky, then whispered something into the thing again. She opened the bookbag all the way and glancing around nervously, emptied the contents of the duffel bag into the book bag quickly. She zipped it back up and stood up slowly, probably because of the weight of the bag. She started running away and from the walkie talkie on my left, i heard the other walkie talkie moving around in the bag. Then after a few moments, i heard a faint conversation

"...did you  get the money?"

"Yeah, did you..... note where i told"

"no im .... to the shop now.... do i leave it?"

"Anywhere! Leave It anywhere where there aren't people! He'll find it doofus!"

"Okay is deserted almost...i just walked past Liam."

"get out of there quick! He's going to find the note soon and realize that we aren't handing him over!"

And that was what i heard before i dropped the book and ran the hardest i ever did. 

Ran in the direction of the ice cream shop

And straight into a little girl.


Yay for Chapter 13


Cliff hanger

Guess who the girl is 

Heh ~T

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