Chapter 20: The reason why the city fall

Start from the beginning

"That is," Vice agreed with his assessment before his hand was on Alan's shoulder. "But that is not what I am here for. I want to let you know that dog beastman is up."

Alan perked up at that and quickly left the one-hand man behind to head to the area where they left Diego in, ignoring the whispers and hateful glares from the other survivors. When he opened the flap of the makeshift hut, he saw the tan skinned beastman sittingIndian style on the ground. Alan flinched a little when he saw his blood bandages that were wrapped around his chest and arms. He was just blackly looking at the wall, lost in thought.

'Even though he did not lose any limbs, I am certain that he will have to live the rest of his life with scars.' Alan thought, feeling bad for the strange man. In this world, scars are one of the sure ways to stay single for the rest of your life. Something both of them are moreaware of.

"I heard that you were up," Alan stated as he stepped fully inside and out of view of any noisy beastmen that might pass by. "I want to ask you some questions."

Diego stopped looking at the wall and gave a fake cheerful smile that was not convincing in the least. "Looks like our hero came here to check on me. I am surprised that you did not take Jade and left here already."

"I am surprised that you did not accuse me of setting this up." Alan stated as he sat in front of him. Diego snorted at that.

"You have a track record of killing the strongest there and only taking three females, never once a pup." Diego answered, shrugging. "Plus, I saw how confused you were when it all happened. I guess that someone wanted to take over your legacy. How is Jade by the way? Did the sheep manage to keep her unharmed?"

"I do not know," Alan answered. "That is what I wanted to talk about with you. Did you tell him to go to a certain place? Across a river or something like that?"

"No, I didn't," Diego answered as he dropped the unbothered act as he panicked. His question made him fear the worst. He forced himself to stand up, ignoring the shot of pain at his abruted action. "Did that coward abandon her!? We need to go find her right now."

"I have the same idea, in fact, I was more than willing to abandon you all once I had her in my arms," Alan admitted without a problem. "But the problem is that their scent has disappeared a few feet away from the city."

'I shouldn't have left her with him.' Diego thought about the scared sheep. The ferals managed to get her was the first thing he thought of on the news. 'I cannot think negative, they probably managed to get to a nearby village or the rain must have come while I was out.'

Both of them stayed silent as they tried to think about what they should do now when the sound of yelling outside caught their attention. Diego left first followed by Alan to go investigate what was going on. They were welcomed to the sight of Vice getting shouted at by an outraged Mayor Silas surrounded by a crowd.

"It is all your fault that those ferals even managed to breach the walls!" Mayor Silas snapped at him. "You were the head guard; it was your job to make sure that all the guards were posted and ready to encounter any ferals that got any ideas. So, tell me why I learned that all our four and five stripe guards were knocked out before hand?!"

"I do not know," Vice answered honestly as he looked down at the angry man. He used his remanding hand to put it over his heart. "I will make sure to punish them for their failure. Right now, I would like permission to go find the ferals that manage to kidnap our loved ones."

"You think that I am willing to allow a one-arm beastman like you to do that?" Mayor Silas asked in disbelief. "What can you do if you manage to find them? No, what makes you think that I am willing to trust you when I have reason to believe that you might have planned for this to happen?"

The unfazed expression that Vice had broken as he hardly suppressed the urge to strangle him. The crowd backed up at the man's rage, but Mayor Silas stayed where he was.

"Did you just accuse me of setting up the city my mate loves to get raided?" Vice asked with gritted teeth, clenching and unclenching his hands. "Did you forget that Lily was also part of the females that got kidnapped?"

"That is true."

"He was her favorite. Why would he want to do that?"

"He always did what she said without question happily. He did love her."

The beastmen around muttered, finding themselves believing Vice's words about how ridiculous the idea is.

"So what?" Mayor Silas stated, bitterly laughing. He spun around to face his citizens and waved at the large man. "Did we all forget where this beastman came from? He is part of one of the outcast villages that pretends to be civil, and kind yet teaches their people how to be brutal to those who are outsiders! Even their women are subjected to the same treatment! You saw how he treated the feral when he came here. I had allowed the feral in because the dark-skinned woman said he was her mate. However, I thought that Vice would keep an eye on him in case he forced the woman to say that! But you want to know what I learned?"

"What else did you learn?" Alan asked bringing their attention to Diego and him. Alan looked ticked off with the accusation that the mayor was shouting out with Diego growling at Mayor Silas. "Other than the fact that you are a stupid beastman who tries to blame others for your faults?"

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