Season 1 Premiere:

Start from the beginning

Zoey was looking for her boyfriend David. She spotted him, and walked over to him and confronted him asking "is this where you've been all this time?" David was puzzled but defended "what? I'm just playing cards with the guys" Bill said sarcastically "more like watching us play because he takes forever" Lucas mocked Bill saying "awwww getting grumpy?" Bill responded "shut up, ya Irish prick" Zoey not caring and getting impatient said "How long will you be David?" David assured "not too long honey" Zoey ended with "hurry up will ya?" and walked off again. Lucas looked at David and jokingly criticised "honey? What are you fuckin married now?" David responded "what's wrong with that?" although Arnold intervened "nothing Davey boy, ignore him. Who's next like?" but Jackson got up and said "I'm gonna go take a piss" Lucas complained "oh for fuck sake Jackson can't you wait like?" but Jackson was already walking off. Bill shouted without looking up "PRICK!" Jackson headed to the bathroom on the yacht. As he was about to go in he heard someone say "you ok there Jackson?" He looked around it was Fiona and Cole. Fiona was probably the one person here that nobody had a problem with, she is nice to everyone. It's commonly mentioned that Cole is a lucky guy to be dating her, by those that know them. Jackson replied sternly but kinda quiet "I'm fine, I'm just heading to the bathroom" Fiona followed with "oh it's just you looked annoyed..I thought something was wrong" Cole not wanting to disturb Jackson, intervened saying "you should probably let him go to the bathroom" all of a sudden they heard someone yell "WOOOOOO!! PARTTTYYYY" they looked over it was Carrie with her twin sister Carly. Jackson sighed and went into the bathroom, without saying anything. Cole noticed Jackson's whole demeanour and said "he seems like he doesn't even want to be here" Fiona replied "yeah true" Carly came over and asked "have either of you two seen Mitchell? I can't find him" Cole answered "he went outside I think" Carly thanked him and walked off. Fiona gave Cole a weird look and questioned "you don't actually know if he went outside do you?" Cole held his hands up and replied "you caught me" Fiona laughed and shook her head....

Corey and Rosie were outside on the port side of the Yacht. Rosie was just looking across the sea. Corey worried about his sister, asked "everything ok sis?" Rosie replied "yeah just needed to step outside for a bit, its very loud in there" Corey asked "those assholes didn't hurt you did they?" Rosie said "nah not really I'm used to that it's annoying though" next Corey saw Mike and Richard walking over and Corey asked "hey what's up guys?" Mike joked "I think the sky" Rosie just facepalmed and Corey said "yeah very original Mike.. how are you anyway?" Mike replied "I'm good me and Richard are just taking a stroll around the boat" Richard corrected "it's a yacht" Mike rolled his eyes and said "oh potato patato a yacht is still a boat Richard" Rosie still not felling well, wasn't in the mood for this right now. She stretched her arms out, yawned and said "hey I'm going to go head back inside alright? See you guys in there" then she walked off. Mike looked at Corey awkwardly and asked "that was because of us wasn't it?" he reassured "no it's not's just she's not feeling too social right now, that's all it is" suddenly they all heard a commotion going on nearby, it was over at the Bow of the yacht. Corey,Mike and Richard headed over and saw Zoey arguing with Michelle. Michelle's younger sister Sydney was standing back behind her looking nervous, and from her face you could tell she didn't want to be here. Mike walked over concerned and questioned "woah what's going on?" Zoey said "this bitch's awkward little sister spilled my drink everywhere" Michelle snapped back with "you need to watch where you're going then. Blind spoiled pampered ass bitch" Zoey yelled "your sister walked into me! and she's too young to even be at this party in the first place!" although Michelle countered "you think I wanted to bring her? I was forced to. You're the one who brought their fucking uncle even your own brother don't like you" Zoey turned around and said "are you assholes going to let her speak to me like that? Like why you even here to begin with? This doesn't concern you" Richard began to speak, but Corey just shook his head at Richard, indicating to not say anything but Richard continued anyway "look maybe you guys should just forgive and forget it was only a drink. I'm sure Sydney didn't mean it" then Michelle responded "nobody asked you 4 eyes" Mike intervened saying "Oi, he's only trying to help" Michelle said "do I look like I care? You know what forget this shit. Come on sis we're going away from these freaks" Anthony walked out from the bridge room and asked "what is going on out here?" Michelle fed up, finished with "nothing, nothing, we were just going come on Sydney.." Michelle and Sydney walked off together. Michelle whispered in Sydney's ear "don't embarrass me like that again ok?" Sydney just stayed quiet. Anthony turned to the others and asked "can someone tell me what that was all about?" Corey replied "it's nothing Anthony. It's sorted now, sorry if we distracted you" Anthony just nodded and headed back to the bridge room. Corey turned to Zoey and criticised "you need to stop causing trouble Zoey. You're as bad as each other you and her" Zoey also fed up, couldn't be bothered arguing and just passive aggressively said "whatever Corey, go back to your girlfriend" she abruptly walked off. Mike looked at Corey curiously and asked "girlfriend?" Corey replied "she keeps making jokes about me and Alex, she's not my girlfriend" Mike motioned his head up and down in acknowledgment and said "oh right" Corey then finished with "I will see you both in a bit ok?" Mike gave a thumbs up, and Richard copied the gesture. Corey went off back inside....

Meanwhile Zoey stormed back inside. She passed by Fredrick and croaked "you need to get your cousins under control Freddy" Fredrick asked "why what'd they do?" Zoey added "what did they do? That Michelle is a disrespectful disgusting bitch, and her dumbass little sister is too young to fuckin be here, that's what" Fredrick responded "ok..I still don't see how that has anything to do with me" Zoey annoyed by that response, said "you know what? Doesn't matter anyway, not worth the energy" Zoey marched off, leaving Fredrick very confused. Zoey went back to David and shouted "ok that's it David game's over, come with me now!" David then said "hey I gotta go guys. Let Jackson take my place when he's back from the bathroom" Arnold not wanting to get involved with that replied "ok man" and shook his hand. Bill and Lucas kept quiet but Bill was furious. David got up and went with Zoey. Alex had seen the whole thing and said "she is just the worst" Calvin replied "easy for you to say, you're not related to her" Alex said "good point. Hey I'm going to go try and find Corey ok, you keep on playing music that makes this party a little less terrible" Calvin scoffed and said "will do" Alex went off on a stride. She went outside to the starboard side of the yacht, and heard shouting coming from the storage room on the side of the yacht. It sounded like her brother.......

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