- 7. | 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝

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It wasn't like you were gonna turn the offer down. A party room? With you and Fizzarolli? Hell to the yes.

"What time's it start?" You ask, peeking over his shoulder to catch a glance.

  He smelled so good.


"Ten. We'll probably be here for a few hours." He glances over his shoulder at you, eyes giving your expression a quick look over.

You nod, taking a small step back. "Yeah, I'm down. What do we have to do?"

He shrugs, rolling his head on his shoulders. "Welllll, Y'know. Strip tease, tons of drugs and drinks. The backroom parties are usually a bit less classy than what we put on up front,"
It seemed like it was a general routine for him and the other workers, but a part of you almost couldn't see Fizzarolli being the touchy-feely type. Despite allot of his products.

"Oooh~ okay, yeah." You smirk, "All I gotta do is be sexy? Psh, easy." Your ego might have come off strong, but deep down it wasn't really all that easy.


Fizz put a hand on his hip, head tilted down at you with a knowing smirk of his own. "Oh yeah? We'll see how easy it is once you get in there." His chuckle was hidden under his breath, but audible enough for you to hear.

You roll your eyes, taking the lead to walk down the hall with him at your side.

  "We've got ten minuets," he says, glancing to you, "Basically, they can't touch you. If they lay a hand on you, which, they will, you have the right to call security, or hit them." Fizz mentions as a precaution.

You've dealt with grabby hands before. It wouldn't be much of a problem. For the most part, all your life you've been able to hold your own. What were a couple creeps at Ozzie's gonna do?

"Okay. I've dealt with creeps at the last place I worked at, too." You said it like it was casual conversation, but deep down it still stung a little.

"Alright. Just keep an eye out." Fizz nudges your shoulder, head cocking in the direction where he was now going to lead you to.

Down the hall, a few turns, and boom, a glowing blue door with an equally bright pink handle. The party rooms.

As you step inside, your eyes widen a bit. Icy blue looking tile flooring, LED's shading the room in a deep pink from the ceiling, and a few seated tables with poles attached to them.

"Wow," your lips curl upward into a smile. If it were possible, you were sure your eyes could sparkle at the sights. It was so sleek and pretty. Almost hard to look at for too long, though. Everything had a reflection to it.

"Alright, you ready?" Fizz asks, glancing you over. If he kept eyeing you like that, the more you'd start to get delusional about him liking you.

You nod slowly, looking back to him. "Yeah. Totally,"

  Fizzarolli turns the music on, and the lights start to strobe colors from the ceiling. It was dim in the room, despite the pink LED's, and it gave just the right amount of light to leave imagination to the eyes.

The door opens, and in comes the group of demons you and Fizzarolli were supposed to be taking care of. 

With drinks in their hands, one by one slipped into the room and sat down. Half of them were drunk already, but you didn't mind. This scene was something you've grown more accustomed to over the years.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊  𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 ; 𝐟𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢Where stories live. Discover now