- 4. | 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐮𝐯 𝐮, 𝐱𝐨𝐱𝐨

808 45 22

   pills n potions. we're overdosin'

   i'm angry, but i still love you.

  The show was almost over. You may have found out that it was going to be just a one night deal, but you had different plans.
Making it the best night of your life, you made absolute sure that every single demon out there in the audience knew your name afterwards.
Doing the best that you could in such a long time of not being very . . children friendly, you actually put on quite the show.


You could only hope that Fizz was impressed. At least, he seemed like he was relatively interested in you and your pole moves.

He had danced with you, and even wrapped his body around yours with the help of his ribbed limbs, but, it was all for show. Obviously.

However, in those moments being tangled up with him, you really thought that getting used to that feeling would have been easy. It surprisingly wasn't.

At one point, your hands slipped down the pole because of how clammy they got, and it made some embarrassment in you, grow. You hadn't done stage performances in front of, or, with, someone you were in love with before.
Dancing was hard in general, so slipping on a stage at Ozzie's already meant you were off to a bad start. Nerves don't come easy, even if you were dead.

Fizz bitched about it in your ear, away from his microphone, and made sure you knew not to mess up again.

"Get your shit together, kid." His eyes narrow in on you, as you dance beside him on stage.

It stung a little, sure. You were never unconfident, but somehow, Fizz's opinion of you made you rethink anything you did. Are your footing positions right? The way you spun, was it okay? Should you have not thrown in an extra sexy dance move to make the crowd gasp and awe at you if it means the attention pulls off of him?

You didn't know. All you could focus on are the couple things he was obviously annoyed about. Everybody made mistakes, it was inevitable. But not at Ozzie's. The rules are different here. 


You sat on the low stool in the dressing room, knee bouncing, elbows on top of your knees, and head resting in your hands. Shit.

Fizz would never want you to come back now, would he? After all, you were just a last resort to him, anyway. So what did that tell you?

The door to the dressing room opens, and Fizzarolli was talking loud on the phone. You could hear him from the other side of the door before he came in.
When he slammed the door behind him on the way inside the room, you couldn't help but flinch and look up at him, startled.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Yes! Look, it won't happen again, because it was a one time deal. Kay? Cool." Fizzarolli glares at the wall ahead of him, before side eyeing your sitting figure. You two share a heavy look, a thickness flooding into your chest and stomach, before he looks away and waves a hand.

"Yeah. Alright . . bye." Fizz ends the call and looks to you once more.
You dart your eyes a few times up at him, nervous, though it comes off more as curiosity, and lift your head.

"I thought you said you danced before." He says.

You blink, furrowing your brows. "I hav—"

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊  𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 ; 𝐟𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢Where stories live. Discover now