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Something that is such an anomaly to everything that I've been taught and lived by. Something that essentially defies the laws of science and logic as a whole.

It is impossible to hide my interest in them.

My curiosity wasn't enough to change the curriculum of the White Room sadly. Pokémon appeared around 4 years ago, yet he remains stubborn on creating the perfect human, just ignoring the existence of these mystical beasts.

In the year I've spent in the mansion, I've heard from my butler about the potential of Pokémon. They're being used in construction to carry materials for example, some are assistants to nurses. Wherever there's light, there's a shadow and crime has made a use of Pokémon too, let's just say that. These Pokémon can accomplish things that a human can never do on its own, unless we go through drastic evolutions in a few billion years.

Anyway, recently I've heard my so-called father complain about how he struggled this whole time for nothing, that this "Sakayanagi" guy took a leap of faith and it went well. I would come to learn who Sakayanagi Narumori is.

He is the chairman of Advanced Nurturing High School or ANHS for short. Basically this school was created with the thought of developing the cream of the crop of the country. Around 3 years ago, they decided to include the development and education of Pokémon trainers. I haven't mentioned earlier, but you can tame these beasts using devices called "Poké balls." The pocket monsters you catch all fit in these Poké balls. I only know what is known to the public, not every person can be a Pokémon trainer.

Why have I been talking about ANHS or even mentioned it in the first place? Well as of now, I'm on my way to becoming a first year student at the aforementioned institution.

Let's just say I've taken an interest in these Pokémon creatures. I want to see their limits and their potential. How do we communicate to each-other, how strong are they, and how much do they differ?

All these questions I will find an answer to at ANHS.

~Pokémon of the Elite~

I've finally reached my stop, ANHS. I head off the bus and think about the fascinating interactions between the fascinating blond-haired student, the office lady and a beige-haired student. My thoughts would stop as someone would be calling up to me.

"You, why were you staring at me?" asked the raven haired girl with orange eyes.

A/N: I always thought Horikita had crimson eyes.

"You might have the wrong person." I answered nonchalantly.

Even though I lied, I don't believe it's wrong to look at someone.

"I'm not stupid enough to not recognize someone who sat next to me." She answered back.

"I thought staring at people was wrong."

Her frustration could be seen as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I merely looked, you stared." she retaliated.

"You're just grasping at straws at this point."

"Stop avoiding the question and answer!" She said in a rather louder voice.

She was stomping her feet and was acting very entitled. Wouldn't be surprised, if someone thought that we're having a lovers quarrel at this point.

I'm now going to solve this issue with a magic trick, a technique that is so simple, yet doesn't come to mind.

It's called walking away at a faster than usual pace.

"Class 1-D, huh." I murmur to no one in particular.

Pokémon of the Elite (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now